At the request of the National Board of Health, the Armed Forces has now reinforced with helicopter NH90 in three regions of the country to assist in the transport of covid-19 patients.

Sweden has been divided into three major regions: Region South, Region Middle and Region North. The northern region includes Region Norrbotten, Region Västerbotten, Region Västernorrland and Region Jämtland Härjedalen. Here the Defense helicopter is stationed in Norrbotten.

According to Helge Brännström, chief physician in the Västerbotten Region, the reinforcement is needed

- We anticipate an increased need, he tells SVT Nyheter Jämtland.

The ambulance helicopter is needed for something else

In Jämtland Region Härjedalen there is an ambulance helicopter, but it should also be used for emergency events other than transporting covid-19 patients.

- The helicopter needs to be cleaned up after transporting a covid-19 patient, which then risks the ordinary ambulance helicopter being put out of play for a while. By assisting the Defense, it increases our ability, says Helge Brännström.

Agreement for 3 months

An agreement has been signed between the National Board of Health and the Swedish Armed Forces regarding the helicopters and is valid for three months. It can be extended depending on how the situation develops. The Defense NH90 helicopter will fly every day of the week between 9 am and 9 pm.