• Fire in a slum inhabited by migrants in San Ferdinando, an 18 year old dies


April 26, 2019A foreign citizen died in a fire that broke out last night in a shack in the ghetto of Borgo Mezzanone, the abusive agglomeration built a few kilometers from Foggia. The shack is located in the area affected by the cuts of the past few weeks.

As far as has been learned, the completely charred body of the victim, a 26 year old from Gambia, was discovered only after the fire extinguishing operations had ended. 

According to the first reconstructions, the flames may have been triggered by abusive electrical connections or by fires lit by migrants to warm up and cook.

The slum is located close to a Cara (Reception Center for Asylum Seekers) and, as far as we learn, migrants discharged from the structure find refuge there after their request for humanitarian protection was rejected.

Salvini: eliminating large settlements 
"The tragedy confirms that the large settlements of foreigners, legal and abusive, that we inherited from the left were and are a problem". Thus the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, comments on the death of a Gambian in the ghetto of Borgo Mezzanone following a fire. "We have a duty - he continues - to restore security, order and legality by continuing with checks, evictions and progressive emptying".