
April 22, 2020

If all restrictions were renounced in pursuing 'herd immunity', i.e. exposing a population to the virus for the purpose of building natural immunity, cyclical epidemics of Covid-19 from other strains could also be expected, labor force strongly reduced by illness and still dead.

This is indicated by a review of data from international medical journals and university research, since the disease was detected in Wuhan in China in December 2019. Project manager Raina MacIntyre, head of the biosecurity research program of the University of New South Wales. "Herd immunity - he writes - is a myth. It has an eugenic connotation". "There would be a sharp increase in infections with little advantage which would follow the need for more lockdown, because the health system would be too seriously impacted."

"There would be half the workforce in illness or in quarantine - continues MacIntyre - and a massive onset of the virus in hospitals, at the expense of other interventions and treatments". "At the moment - he concludes - we do not know how long immunity lasts from Covid-19, we do not know if even minor mutations are formed that would circulate a slightly different strain. If this happened, we do not know if a previous exposure would offer sufficient immunity"