NY Stock Market Drops Crude Oil Futures Prices Still “Minus” 22:42 on April 21

On the 21st, the New York stock market continued to fall, with prices falling sharply from the day before. Crude oil futures prices are still negative, and the fact that there are virtually no buyers has continued, further increasing uncertainty about the economic outlook.

In the New York crude oil market, the WTI May futures price, which is one of the indicators of international crude oil trade, has remained in a negative range, and the next June also sharply hits a barrel of $ 11 / bbl. Has dropped.

This is because it seems that economic activity is stagnant, demand is low, and inventory is accumulated.

A market official said, "There is no prospect of significant consumption and there is no storage space, so there is no sign of a recovery in crude oil prices. The Dow average stock price has returned more than $ 5,000 after reaching its lowest price a month ago. However, the abnormal situation in the crude oil market is adding new weight to the market. ”