The New York Times said that a health crisis the size of the emerging coronavirus pandemic requires international cooperation on a scale that the world has never seen before in the past decades.

However - the newspaper adds - US President Donald Trump has decided to suspend his country's funding for the World Health Organization, which is the only body charged with coordinating efforts to respond to such a crisis.

The newspaper said in a report by Donald McNeil - its editor for scientific affairs - that the Corona virus began crawling from large American cities to the suburbs and rural areas, where it has infected millions of people and has so far killed more than 34,000.

On Friday, Trump unveiled the features of his plan to reopen the economy, suggesting that some US states resume a kind of return to normalcy soon.

Optimistic vision
The newspaper described the US administration's vision of the crisis over the past weeks and the country's future as more optimistic than its medical advisers and scientists generally think.

Trump announced in his daily press briefing the day before yesterday that his administration will open the American economy while pursuing safety and security standards towards the Corona virus pandemic, explaining that intensifying the testing of the virus will contribute to reopening the country, indicating that he is sure that some states will succeed in reopening its economy In the coming weeks.

However, the New York Times Scientific Affairs Editor raises doubts about the reasons for the US administration's optimism, as he says it is unclear where this crisis will lead us.

In his report, Donald McNeill posed a number of questions such as, when can Americans move out of their homes, how long will it take until a deadly virus treatment or vaccine is discovered, and how can the pandemic be controlled?

He added that more than twenty experts in the field of public health, medicine, epidemics and history gave their opinions about the future in interviews with the American newspaper.

He said that the prevailing belief among some that American genius, once fully engaged in the matter, it may achieve breakthroughs that reduce the burdens resulting from the spread of "Covid 19".

Corona pandemic strikes America severely amid lack of medical equipment (Al-Jazeera)

A bleak future
However, the path to the future depends on factors, despite the certain difficulty they are, and they are achievable, according to those experts. In their view, these factors are adopting a step-by-step approach to opening up the economy, conducting investigations and developing monitoring measures on a large scale, as well as practical methods of treatment, providing sufficient resources for health care providers, and ultimately a successful vaccine.

McNeill believes that expectations for the coming year seem disappointing, and it is impossible to avoid speculating about what will happen. According to experts, the scenario that Trump has been putting forward in his press briefings - promising that the country will soon be closed and producing a protective pill and that opening football fields and restaurants is imminent - is just an illusion.

It is reported by Dr. Harvey Feinberg, the former president of the National Academy of Medicine, said the United States faces a "bleak" future.

Weinberg and other experts are concerned that reaching a vaccine for the disease will be difficult for scientists at first, and that citizens who have been tired of staying indoors will not adhere to quarantine measures despite the warnings that the virus will remain for a period of time.

Although, d. William Schaffner, a preventive medicine specialist at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Tennessee, seemed hopeful at first about the possibility of discovering a vaccine for the Coronavirus, he learned - he says - to be cautious about its optimistic nature.


How to clear the cloud?
Most experts suspect that America and its economy will soon recover as soon as this cloud appears, but the newspaper’s scientific editor warns that there is no escape from going through a period of tense pain.

As for how this pandemic will break down depends in part on what will be achieved from medical discoveries and breakthroughs, and on the behavior of members of the American people in the meantime.

It can be said that "COFED-19", the disease caused by the Corona virus, is the leading cause of death in the United States today, as this virus has killed more than 1,800 Americans every day since April 7.

By comparison, heart disease usually kills 1,774 Americans a day, while cancer kills 1,641 people a day.

According to epidemiological indicators, the high incidence of HIV infection is inevitable even if stadiums, theaters, churches, bars and restaurants remain closed, and all arrivals from abroad are placed in quarantine for a period of 14 days, and restrictions are imposed on domestic travel to avoid the transmission of infection from more endemic areas to less regions Affected by the epidemic.

After topping the list of affected countries .. America mobilizes to confront Corona (the island)

Scary division
The report criticizes Trump's plan to allow some states to ease the measures to combat the epidemic, noting that this would divide the country into two categories: The first consists of those who have recovered from infection with the Corona virus and have some immunity against it. The second category is those who are still vulnerable to infection.

Commenting on this, Dr. says. David Nabarro The WHO special envoy for the "Covid 19" pandemic, this is a frightening division.

Although Americans who remain behind the walls of their homes, in compliance with the procedures to close the country, see neighbors in some states who are resuming their normal lives, it is not difficult to imagine the amount of unbridled desire to catch them.

Experts believe that in the next two years things will go intermittently and erratically. The more people with good immunity return to work, the more the economy will recover.

But if many people become infected simultaneously, imposing measures to shut down the country again will be imperative. To avoid this, the authorities will have to carry out large-scale examinations of people.

China is alienated The
New York Times goes in its report to criticize President Trump, claiming that he spent most of this year preparing China "which currently has the world's strongest performing economy and may become the dominant supplier of medicines and vaccines."

According to the newspaper, China has taken advantage of the pandemic to extend its influence in the world, saying it has dispatched medical devices and equipment to nearly 120 countries. The United States is one of the largest countries receiving these urgent medical supplies from China.

This comes within the framework of the "Air Bridge Project" led by Jared Kushner, an adviser to the American President, as he coordinates between American medical companies and the federal government to expedite the shipment of medical supplies purchased by these companies, in light of a severe shortage that hinders efforts to address the Corona epidemic in the United States.

In this regard, says Nicholas Mulder, economic historian at Cornell University, that if Trump is interested in intensifying health care efforts in the country, he must search for ways to cooperate with China and stop abusing it.