• Caserta: leans over and falls through the window, a 4 year old boy dies
  • 4-year-old boy who died during the Carnival of Sciacca, the prosecutor opens an investigation


April 19, 2020 It was Dad who found him unconscious and entangled in the curtain wires. He called 118 but for the 3 year old there was nothing to do.

It happened in Monreale, near Palermo.

According to a first reconstruction, the boy was in his bed where his parents had put him to sleep. But the boy would play, while mom and dad watched television.

First he would have climbed a table but would have slipped, ending up on a shelf and getting stuck between the threads of the curtain that suffocated him.

For the health workers it was a "tragic accident". The public prosecutor ordered the return of the child's body to the parents.

Carabinieri investigations are underway to ascertain the responsibilities of the child's death.