On this radiant weekend, the temptation is great to leave your home to bask in the sun. A relaxation which worries the authorities, in particular in the Bouches-du-Rhône where road and motorway controls will be carried out and air and maritime patrols are mobilized this weekend.

Difficult to stay confined when the weather is very good as in this Easter weekend which could have been the ideal opportunity to get away, to leave for a few days. Without going very far, Cédric, who lives in Marseille, does not plan to stay locked up at home.

>> LIVE - Follow the situation on Saturday April 11

"The police cannot monitor everything"

"Lying down for two hours in the sun, the temptation is more than great. I have worked all week, I respect the rules of confinement, I only do the work and I stay at home. But there can -that this weekend, I will make a sprain: find me a little corner in the sun in the neighborhood or go to the creeks and find me a little corner on a rock, "he confides to the microphone 'Europe 1. "The police cannot monitor everything and above all that I will respect the safety distances, I will of course go out alone", he reassures himself.

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Road, motorway, air and sea patrols

An attitude which is likely to cost him dearly since the police and the gendarmerie have warned that they will multiply the controls as in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. An Easter weekend coinciding with radiant weather, prefect Pierre Dartout dreads an explosive cocktail. "The weekends of Marseillais, Toulonnais or Niçois in the mountains or in seaside resorts it is not possible", he insists, adding: "Certainly it is tempting to go out but it is vital that we stay well hooked to all containment rules. "


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Fear of a "resumption of the epidemic"

This is why controls will multiply on all road and motorway networks, because there is, in the crosshairs, the fear of seeing certain positive health indicators at the moment going into the red, according to Philippe De Mester regional director of ARS. "The difference between hospitalized people and those who can return to their home is evolving for the first time in a positive way. If there is a relaxation, inevitably within 8-10 days, there will be a resumption of the epidemic. C 'is crisp and clear,' he warns.

For the Bouches-du-Rhône department alone, around 1,200 gendarmes should be mobilized for patrols also in the air and at sea.