Zhongxin client April 10 (Wu Tao Chen Hang) On the 10th, at a press conference held by the Beijing Municipal Government, Xu Xinchao, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Beijing Science and Technology Commission, said that he will develop wearable smart thermometers and strengthen the Body temperature detection for key populations. Focusing on the temperature monitoring needs of key people such as home isolation and catering, Beijing Microchip Research Institute was organized to develop wearable smart thermometers. Compared with ordinary thermometers, the thermometer has the functions of high detection accuracy, continuous monitoring of body temperature during wearing, network analysis of monitoring data, platform display monitoring, abnormal temperature alarm, three-level stratification management and other functions. At present, more than 11,700 units have been put into use throughout the city, and more than 90,000 new units have been issued recently, which will increase the promotion and application of high-touch populations in industries such as catering, beauty salons, and housekeeping.