
by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 10 April 2020 To face the economic emergency triggered by Covid-19, the Democratic Party proposes a 'Covid tax', in the form of a 'solidarity contribution'. The reaction, starting with the pentastellate government allies and the whole compact center-right, is decidedly hostile and clearly contrary.

The group of the Democratic Party of the House, led by Graziano Del Rio and the Hon. Fabio Melilli, fully in tune with the party, advances the proposal for "a solidarity contribution" for the years 2020 and 2021 "to be paid by higher incomes, to be allocated to all those who are in situations of poverty due to the crisis or situations of serious difficulty for the complete loss of income such as young self-employed workers ". The two parliamentarians have specified that: "The levy must be paid by citizens with incomes over 80,000 euros and will affect the part exceeding this threshold. The sum paid will be deductible and will range from a few hundred euros to tens of thousands for incomes above million. The expected revenue is 1.3 billion per year. " The new tax would weigh on the part of income exceeding 80,000 euros, would be progressive, deductible and variable between an amount of a few hundred euros for the lower thresholds up to a few tens of thousands of euros for incomes above one million.

Political reactions to the proposal for a 'Covid-tax' have been very harsh.
MoVimento 5 Stelle makes a wall: it doesn't exist, first they cut their wages
Vito Crimi, political head of the M5s says: "It is their initiative. We have politely and unitedly proposed to the parliamentarians to cut their salaries, which the M5s already does without receiving an answer. Now is not the time to ask for further sacrifices. to the Italians, we remain opposed to any form of property ".

Italia Viva: new taxes madness
The Renzians comment on the solidarity contribution saying: "A new tax madness when there is a liquidity crisis". Ettore Rosato, Renziano coordinator writes: "From our government partners in 24 hours I heard no to the gradual reopening of companies, no to the activation of European support through the Mes and yes to the assets. Congratulations Italy!"

League: Salvini send them home, they are dangerous
"The Democratic Party declares that we need a property tax on Italians: these are crazy! We will stop them, I promise." The leader of the League Matteo Salvini wrote on Facebook.

Fdi: Pd wants to make us pay for his failures
The vice-president vicar of Fratelli d'Italia in the Senate, Isabella Rauti, harshly comments on Covid Tax's proposal saying: "The Democratic Party masks bankruptcy with the EU with a balance sheet. On the one hand, the betrayal of the M5S, yet another, which to remain in government has denied his anti-ESM position; on the other the Democratic Party which to cover the bankruptcy of the Eurogroup, where Italy has found itself isolated and moreover without Eurobonds and therefore resources, now proposes a balance sheet. All this confirms the inadequacy of this government, which goes first home and the better it is for Italy ".

FI: Berlusconi, patrimonial distraction from EU bankruptcy yes to Flat tax
"No to Covid tax, at the moment like this it is crazy to think of putting your hands in Italian pockets. For the recovery no capital, but a fiscal shock with the reduction of rates and a flat tax at 15%" says Silvio Berlusconi, president of Provence of Forza Italia, which considers the hypothesis of a Covid tax, advanced by the Dem, the antechamber of a real "asset". Now is the time, according to the Knight, to lower taxes for everyone, families and businesses, and the government, however, plans to increase them.

Cgia di Mestre, the hidden estate
The Cgia di Mestre calculates that there are already about fifteen 'assets' in Italy. In 2017, they generated revenue that touched 46 billion euros.