
Despite the circumstances, unification and end-of-life and unbelievable mistakes continue to occur in the United Party. Even in the Democratic Party, a candidate's comments about the president were problematic.

This is reporter Kim Min-jung.


Candidate Dong-Sik Joo, a candidate for the ruling party running in Seo-Gap, Gwangju, said about Gwangju yesterday (8th).

[Ju Dong-sik / Future United Party Candidate (Gwangju Seogap): (Gwangju) is a city that hangs on sacrifice instead of production, and a monument to the tragedy of the past has fallen into a city that prevents the employment and childbirth of young people.]

Commemorating the May 18th Democratization Movement is a commotion.

The state candidate said to SNS two years ago, "If you sink one Sewol every month, you can create a quality job like the fact-finding committee."

Candidate Lee Geun-Yeol, who ran for Gunsan, Jeollabuk-do, became a problem when he wrote 'creating China's outline' in election publications.

Yoo Kwak means prostitution, and the candidate explained that he wrote the word without knowing the meaning of the word.

[Kim Jong-in / Senior Chairman of the Future United Party: If the Seoul citizens send a lot of candidates to the Democratic Party of the Democratic Party, so that the Democratic Party of the Republic of Korea will occupy the majority seat of the National Assembly ... ]

Sun Jong-in, chairman of the unification party, said several times the name of the party was wrong, but he had to be told if he changed the party frequently.

As the story continued, the United Party questioned comments from the Democratic Party.

In a lecture last year, he urged the resignation of Democratic Party candidate Hong Seong-guk of Sejonggap, who said 'two wives are better than one', and replied "I'm vulgar" to Lee Hae-chan, who expressed the United Party as "an indigenous dwarf."

Democratic Party candidate Song Jae-ho, who ran for Jeju Gap in Jeju, said he had requested that President Moon Jae-in attend the 4/3 commemoration ceremony, but apologized for the exaggeration when the presidential election intervention debated.

In Seoul, Gwangjin-eul, a man in his 50s was arrested on the scene with a weapon in the campaign against a candidate for the Seon-Hoon Oh campaign.

"We are investigating whether there was a purpose to interfere with the election campaign," the police said.

(Video coverage: Kim Hyun-sang, Video editing: Choi Hye-young, Screen provided by YouTube)