
April 9, 2020 The Rome finance guard arrested a 42-year-old businessman for auction disturbance and failure to fulfill public supply contracts. The investigations, conducted by the Gico del Nucleo of the Economic and Financial Police of Rome, originated from a timely report made by Consip to the Public Prosecutor of Rome, regarding a series of anomalies found in the context of a tender procedure, of the value total of over 253 million euros, urgently banned to guarantee the supply of personal protective equipment and electro-medical equipment. The lot on which the disturbance was ascertained concerns the supply of over 24 million surgical masks for a total amount of approximately 15.8 million euros.
The investigative activities, conducted by the Gico del Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria di Roma, originated from a complaint made by Consip at the rocura of the Republic of Rome, with reference to a series of anomalies found in the context of a tender procedure, with a total value of over 253 million euros, urgently banned to guarantee the supply of personal protective equipment and electro-medical equipment. In particular, lot no. 6 of the tender, worth approximately € 15.8 million, relating to the supply of over 24 million surgical masks, was awarded to the Biocrea Limited Liability Agricultural Company. With the signing of a specific Framework Agreement with Comsip, the company undertook, among other things, to deliver the first 3 million masks within 3 days of the order.