Syria “Attack” in Sarin, etc. Assad Uses OPCW April 9 9:37

The OPCW has reported on Tuesday that an attack on a rebel-controlled town in Syria during a civil war has last year reported that the Assad administration has used chemical weapons. I concluded for the first time.

According to a report released by the OPCW on the 8th, in late March 2017, the Assad administration's air force bombed a fighter or helicopter in a town in Hama province in central Syria, which was then controlled by rebels. Research and analysis have determined that chemical weapons have been used three times.

Two of these cases involved the use of highly toxic sarin, and the other one caused more than 100 people to be damaged because the hospital was attacked by chlorine gas.

He pointed out that it was an "attack that would not have been possible without orders from the military command chain," and concluded for the first time that the Assad administration had used chemical weapons.

The Assad administration has consistently denied the use of chemical weapons, but the United States cruised missiles cruising through Assad's military facilities in the northwestern province of Idlib province the next month after the attack. Attacking.

With the OPCW's first clear statement of the Assad administration's responsibilities, the international community is likely to see a renewed call for Assad's war crimes.