The Russian Ministry of Health has released the fifth version of temporary guidelines for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus infection.

The document includes an updated list of drugs that can be prescribed for the treatment of coronavirus.

So, the drugs recommended by the department include hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, mefloquine, azithromycin, nadroparin calcium, tocilizumab, lopinavir plus ritonavir, recombinant interferon beta-1b and recombinant interferon alpha.

Among other things, the document lists the main symptoms of a coronavirus infection with COVID-19, including temperature and cough.

“COVID-19 is characterized by the presence of clinical symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections: fever (over 90%); cough - dry or with a small amount of sputum (in 80% of cases); shortness of breath (55%); fatigue (44%); a feeling of congestion in the chest (more than 20%), ”- stated in the recommendations.

The ministry added that the infection may be accompanied by sore throat, runny nose, decreased smell and taste, as well as signs of conjunctivitis.

The new version of the recommendations from the Ministry of Health also included information on the differential diagnosis of COVID-19, the diagnostic reagents for detecting the disease registered in Russia and the recommended drug prophylaxis schemes COVID-19 and other information.

In addition, the revised document contains recommendations on the procedure and principles for organizing emergency, primary health care and specialized medical care in medical organizations, as well as on an outpatient basis (for treatment at home).

It is worth noting that in the document the Ministry of Health recommended excluding the use of room type air conditioners in areas of high risk of infection. The department explained that such devices "actually increase the risk of infection, as they help maintain high concentrations of infectious aerosol with blocked natural ventilation."

At the same time, the Ministry of Health does not recommend the use of various kinds of air purifiers-recirculators. The document states that "preference must be given to effective mechanical ventilation or maximum continuous ventilation."

Distribution of COVID-19 in Russia

In Russia, over the past day, 1459 cases of the disease with a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 were recorded in 50 regions of the country.

Based on new data, 10 131 cases of coronavirus in 81 regions are registered in Russia today. Over the entire period, 76 deaths were recorded, 698 people recovered.

Most of the new infected were detected in Moscow (857 cases) and Moscow Region (199). 44 people were found in St. Petersburg, 40 in the Bryansk region, 31 in the Komi Republic, 24 in the Vladimir region, 20 in the Krasnodar Territory.

The ten regions with the largest number of new cases of COVID-19 also included the Leningrad (18), Astrakhan (16) and Ivanovo (13) regions.

  • RT card: in which regions of Russia coronavirus infection COVID-19 was recorded
  • RT

To date, 6698 cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in Moscow. Almost half of the new 857 cases are between 18-45 years old (47%). Another 35% of infected people belong to the age group of 46-65 years, 11% are aged 66-80 years. Over 80 years old, 4% of cases were found; children accounted for 3% of new cases of the virus.

Shortly before the publication of new information about the detected cases of COVID-19, it became known that the Clinical Committee for the Control of Coronavirus was formed in Moscow, which included the chief physicians of coronavirus hospitals.

It is noted that the committee members proposed to abandon the separation of hospitals into coronavirus and for the treatment of pneumonia. According to the committee, in recent days there has been a trend that the vast majority of cases of pneumonia are caused by coronavirus infection of COVID-19.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, 171 thousand people remain under medical supervision because of suspected coronavirus in Russia.

So, in the hospital in Kommunarka, which Vladimir Putin had previously visited, there are more than 220 patients with coronavirus. 72 of them arrived on the last day, 44 were discharged, said the head of the institution Denis Protsenko.

“He has 424 treatments. Of these: with a diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia - 355, confirmed COVID - 228, in intensive care unit - 33 (12 on mechanical ventilation),” the physician wrote on his Facebook page.

It also became known that in Moscow 11 patients treated with COVID-19 became blood plasma donors for the treatment of this virus.

The operational headquarters said that the blood of patients recovered from the coronavirus contains antibodies to this disease, so it can be used to treat patients with a new infection. The coronavirus clinical committee approved this technology for use.

Testing for COVID-19 in Russia

In turn, Rospotrebnadzor said that in Russia it was possible to significantly cover the population with testing for a new coronavirus infection.

“Research on a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is being carried out on the basis of scientific organizations and centers of hygiene and epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the basis of laboratories of state medical organizations in the regions of the country, on the basis of private non-state laboratories,” the agency said in a statement. .

It is noted that now any laboratory, including private non-state ones, has the right to organize testing for coronavirus infection. To do this, you need to submit a notice on the website of the Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. The only requirement for the laboratory in the department called the mandatory transfer of information in the event of a new case of coronavirus.

The department indicated that in addition to the laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor, it is possible to pass the test in more than 200 laboratories at state medical institutions and more than 22 laboratories of private firms.

It is reported that to date, more than a million laboratory studies have been conducted in Russia to identify a new type of coronavirus.