
From today (8th), Japan has issued an emergency to seven local governments including Tokyo. Now, there is a controversy over whether the emergency is effective because each local government has to take some action, such as closing some shops and not forcing it.

I am a correspondent to Yoo Sung-jae, Tokyo.


Although Prime Minister Abe's declaration of emergency has given the local governments legal power to implement emergency measures, Tokyo has not been able to announce the type of business that will be closed for an emergency during the day.

[Koike / Tokyo Governor: We are in coordination with the government regarding the target facilities.]

The issues are barber shops for men and home supplies stores.

In the case of barber shops, close contact is made in a narrow space, and it is the position of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government that it is closed due to the large number of unidentified people gathering in the housing space, but the central government of Japan opposes that it is a business necessary for maintaining daily life.

[Nishimura / Japan Economic Recycling Award: Businesses that need to remain open include barber and beauty businesses, and home centers (housing goods stores) are also necessary to buy daily necessities.]

Although an emergency has been issued, the government and local governments are in a stateless tug-of-war.

It's a time-triggered emergency, but the barbershop's problem has caught his ankle.

In addition, the five local governments, except Tokyo and Osaka, do not request closures from private facilities.

The British Financial Times criticized Japan for entering `` gambling '' to catch corona with only partial blockades.

Among these, Tokyo has the largest number of confirmers a day, with an additional 144 confirmed infections today.

(Video coverage: Chulmin Han, Video editing: Hyunki Jang)