
08 April 2020 "In recent weeks we have heard from many comparing the Lombardy Region to the Veneto and Emilia-Romagna regions. While an atomic bomb exploded in Lombardy, the virus has gone undisturbed for at least 20 days, fortunately, in the other regions all this it did not happen.

Emilia Romagna has been touched, the province of Piacenza has been hit in a massive way. In Veneto there was the detection in Vo 'Euganeo, in a restricted area: immediately it was possible to suffocate the virus ". Said the councilor for Welfare of the Lombardy Region, Giulio Gallera, during the direct Facebook daily bulletin of the coronavirus emergency. "Who makes the comparison between what has happened in our region and in the other two regions does not do it with intellectual honesty. We suffered a tremendous shock wave from which other regions were spared, "he added.