(Fighting against New Crown Pneumonia) Close-up: Jiangcheng Zhimour, Qingming 3-minute stare

China News Agency, Wuhan, April 4th Question: Jiangcheng Zhimour, Qingming 3-minute stare

China News Agency reporter Yang Chengchen Liang Tingwu Yili

3 minutes, this is a silent time for a city. A giant screen intertwined with personal remembrance and collective memory reflects over Wuhan, with alarms roaring and silence in time and space. Every frame at the turn of winter and spring flows along the river.

In front of the Jianghanguan Building, under the Yellow Crane Tower, in the Jiulongjing Community, in the ICU ward of Jinyintan Hospital, and the south window locked in the isolation hotel, tens of thousands of citizens mourned in their own ways, and the accumulated emotions rushed and continued.

Qingming has arrived, Jiangcheng Zhimour. At this moment, it belongs to every family and every life that has suffered. Since the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia, 3,326 lives in China have been frozen by the virus, and 2,567 compatriots have died in Wuhan. They include ordinary citizens, medical care, police, community cadres ...

The local epidemic is coming to an end, and the flow of people on the streets of Wuhan has been long gone. More than a hundred citizens gathered around the One Yuan Plaza in Jiangtan where the public sacrifices were held. The mourners held the national flag and flowers in hand, and wore white chrysanthemums on their chests. The police kindly reminded to keep a distance. Masks covered people's expressions but could not stop the pity and stare at each other.

"Deep condolences for the death of martyrs and deceased compatriots in the new crown pneumonia epidemic" 19 white characters, reflected on the black back panel in the center of the square, are so solemn. The spring-filled river beach has never been so solemn. Under the flagpole of the half-half flag, there are people of all circles in silence, including the survivors of the first 14 martyrs who have just been recognized.

The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, which has been open to traffic for more than one Jiazi, has witnessed the glory and suffering of the city, but it has never been so leisurely. At this moment, the vehicle just in the middle stepped on the brakes. The driver stood beside the car and pressed the horn with his right hand. From the railing, a young man looked at Jiangtan and held the Young Pioneers team salute in his right hand. After three months of minimum traffic, the bridge is ready to re-start the city.

The alarm sounded farther away, and Huang Hairong took her husband and wiped away tears and walked to a few places. Because of working in the hospital, she has witnessed the separation of life and death in the past three months, and feels more tenacious in life. "Medical workers give up taking care of their families and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the treatment of patients; patients are awakened from despair, and the hope of life supports them with a little effort and perseverance."

Volunteer Yan Yan, dressed in black, constantly waved goodbye to the medical practitioners attending the public sacrifice. For decades of community service, she lamented the sacrifice and dedication of ordinary people to make the city "walk from night to day." In Yan Yan's view, national mourning is not only a farewell to the deceased, but also a consolation to the living, it is a collective emotional vent of our lives through the difficulties.

In the west hospital area of ​​Wuhan Union Hospital, where intensive care is given to patients, the mourning ceremony is held in white, and 150 medical nurses stand in the middle of the battlefield that has not yet been completed. "Many peers have unfortunately sacrificed in the epidemic. Without them, we will not be today." Zhu Qingtang, leader of the medical team of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen University, who has been supporting Wuhan for several months, stressed.

Zhang Nuofu, deputy director of the hospital and head of the academician Zhong Nanshan team in Han, said that completing the tasks and wishes of the deceased medical care and giving patients more reasonable and scientific treatment is our commitment to the heroes.

"This is an epidemic of the people. Everyone is fighting hard. Some people stay forever in this cold winter. They are for more people to usher in spring." With 4 days left, Wuhan can finally "unblock" ". Some people left a message on social media: to mourn the deceased the night before reopening the door, not to forget what we have experienced, but also to live better for those who are alive.

Remember, you can illuminate the way forward. The epidemic peak of this round of epidemic in the past has been very difficult. To rise from the grief instead of sinking in this way, for the Chinese, silent meditation means cautious pursuit, and this memory helps the living to continue to be brave.

The flood control monument not far from the site of the Jiangtan Memorial Festival reminded the Chinese of another collective memory of the tribulations-the severe flood in the summer of 1998 killed thousands. Today, the mourning never stops. After the event on the 4th, many citizens came to the monument and sang the national anthem spontaneously. (Finish)