New crown pneumonia epidemic continues to spread, Taiwan media shouts to Cai Yingwen "masks are not enough"

[Global Times Special Correspondent Yu Yu in Taipei] The epidemic continues to linger, and the DPP authorities have announced that they will donate 10 million masks to the United States, the European Union and "states in diplomatic relations". Many people on the island asked, "Does everyone have enough masks?" The result is "Not enough". A Taiwan media commented on the 2nd that how the New Crown virus's face looks, we have no way of knowing, but we have seen the "political face" of the DPP manipulating the New Crown epidemic.

After Cai Yingwen announced the donation of 10 million masks on April 1, DPP "legislator" Zheng Yunpeng claimed on the 2nd that in the past Taiwan supported "AIA" and often encountered difficulties in giving money to the other party. The masks have become a much-needed material for all parties. It is recommended to open additional production lines to support "AIA" for a long time. He said that this move may not be changed to "states of diplomatic relations", but it will allow the world to see Taiwan. Former "Legislative Assembly Member" Chen Xuesheng was blown up. On the 2nd, Facebook posted pictures of people lining up in the streets to buy masks. He said, "This is the daily life of today's people." He asked Cai Yingwen whether he had done it, and "Executive President" Su Zhenchang did. "Before the grown-ups waited, don't say that one person will be wasted. First fill up your masks and overseas students will fill up. After that, Cai Yingwen will donate tens of millions of tablets, and I agree with both hands."

China Times reported that the output of masks in Taiwan has been increasing daily, reaching 13 million pieces per day. For this reason, the epidemic command center announced that the maximum number of masks for each public can be increased from 3 in 7 days to 9 in 14 days. Recall that when the DPP authorities announced a ban on the export of masks in January, the reason given by Su Zhenchang was "you can save yourself only if you can save yourself." But now that Taiwan has reached the premise of "saving people", "self-help"? "From the perspective of the hard-working people, it is clear that it has not yet been achieved." Taiwan media calculated an account: At first glance, 9 masks in 14 days are barely enough for ordinary office workers, but the focus is on whether they can be bought. According to the data on April 1, there were 6613 pharmacies and health centers selling masks in the entire Taiwanese and Puma region, and Taiwan's total population was more than 23 million. "To achieve 9 masks in 14 days, each pharmacy must sell it one day. More than 2,200 pieces of masks can meet. " But at present, the authorities only distribute 600 masks and 200 child masks to each pharmacy every day. In addition, the total number of masks provided by the Internet and pharmacy in 14 days is 116 million. Calculating the purchase limit of 9 tablets in 14 days, only 12.87 million Taiwanese can buy masks. " Obviously not enough. More importantly, on the surface, the production of masks in Taiwan has increased, but the "Ministry of Transport" has begun to require people to wear masks on public transportation, and the demand for masks will increase.

According to the Hong Kong Ratings Agency, the DPP authorities announced a ban on the export of masks when the mainland was experiencing an emergency and medical supplies were in short supply. This was regarded as a "sword behind the mainland"; after the WHO officially named the virus, the DPP Authorities still deliberately use the name "Wuhan Pneumonia" and have not changed it so far. This is "another sword behind the mainland". "Mask hatred the watermark," China Times commented on the topic on the 2nd that at the beginning of the outbreak, the mainland urgently needed external medical resources to support it, just like the United States and European countries now, but Taiwan has not had a lot of diagnosis. In the case of the case, he refused to export the mask to the mainland. The excuse was an under-notch mask on the island. Today, while people on the island are still lining up to buy masks and the number of confirmed cases is increasing every day, the DPP authorities are engaged in "mask diplomacy" and "other countries are not fools. They all know that the DPP donates to them What is the political calculation of the mask? Because the mask has the "political imprint" of the DPP government. " United News Network said on the 2nd that global masks and other epidemic prevention materials are scarce, and Cai Yingwen donated masks to areas with severe epidemics, in fact, he used masks on the "knife", just as when the mainland epidemic just started, Su Zhenchang had a definitive "mask export ban" It was promulgated on the "knife". At the end of the article, the Taiwanese never regret saving the dilemma. "However, from the blockade of masks to the diplomacy of masks, the ban and donations on the blade of the Cai government show that the epidemic has no borders and there is politics in epidemic prevention."