At the end of March 2019, the man contacted a job seeker via social media "in an unprofessional way". The incident was reported and led to the man being called in for a conversation with his manager, where it was made clear that the behavior was unacceptable. The employment agent was also told that he risked a disciplinary penalty if the behavior was repeated.

It did, already at the end of the same year. On one evening in December 2019, the employment agency sent four messages of a sexual nature via social media, but this time to a female colleague. The two had not had any social interaction outside of work before, nor on social media.

The colleague did not respond but felt a strong discomfort for some of the wording. The next day she informed him that she felt violated and did not want to be contacted by him again. Afterwards, the woman received call support and the opportunity to work from home.

The employment agent who sent the email apologized and explained the behavior that he had problems with, among other things, finances and alcohol, and that he was affected when he wrote the messages. The incident was reported to the Personnel Responsibility Committee, which will now decide on any disciplinary sanction.