At 7:30 am on March 10, 2020, Mona Adel wore her white coat and prepared to start her first day at the Fever Hospital in Alexandria dedicated to receiving cases of suspected corona virus (COFED-19), where Mona Adel was assigned a doctor in the infection control department At the hospital, its mission focuses on controlling preventive and health measures in the hospital to prevent the transmission of the Coronavirus to medical personnel or to visiting and hospitalized patients.

Adel started her career in the hospital moving between the corridors of the different departments, noting that the reception is the busiest section, receiving approximately 600 cases per day, all of them with similar symptoms: high temperature, coughing, and sometimes difficulty breathing, and request an analysis The "PCR" to ensure they are infected with the virus. Before the outbreak of the Corona virus, the hospital was receiving only about 100 cases per day, so how does the hospital deal with this number currently in light of the Corona crisis? What is the nature of the medical situation in Egypt, far from the eyes of official cameras and government data?

Reception: inhuman accumulation and poor prevention

Mona Adel describes to Meydan site the scene of the reception saying: "Patients gather in the reception room without any mentioning regulation, and sometimes at peak time, patients sit in the reception room, which is 15 * 15 meters, together, with 250 patients at the same time in the same room. They are all classified as “suspects.” With so much crowding, I don’t know how to do my job in controlling infection and monitoring safety measures, the possibility of transmitting infection in this thick crowd is very high. ”

Like her doctors and nurses, Mona Adel complained of this unhealthy overcrowding, and for days and weeks she continued her complaint with her colleagues, until the government eventually responded to the doctors' request and transferred the examination and outpatient clinics to health units and care centers starting from March 26, 2020. This solution may be effective at first sight, but Doctor Mona Adel confirms that "all the decision did was that he transferred congestion from hospitals to health units, where people are crowded with a capacity of up to 400 individuals sometimes. What is new in this procedure?"

The decision to stop internal visits and transfer clinics to health units (communication sites)

In the name of Attia, another doctor whose government work or assign him - as doctors in Egypt call him - in a health unit in Alexandria, transmits to Meydan a picture that shows us the readiness of health units to receive this human overcrowding, saying: “In the midst of the global epidemic of Corona and international precedents unprecedented The counterpart, Sisi’s campaign for measles vaccination began from 8-3-2020 to 26-3-2020, in which the regime is keen to polish its image in front of the masses through it I saw with my own eyes in my unit where I work how more than 500 mothers and children accumulate daily waiting for their role in the vaccination , Without any precautions or health measures in place to prevent the infection from corona infection Disastrous. "

A model of human accumulation that represents a fertile environment for the outbreak of corona during the measles campaign in Gharbia Governorate. (communication Web-sites)

Mona Adel tries to be baffled by her surprise of poor organization, and tends to monitor the daily performance of the hospital, and she immediately realizes that the clinical capacity of the hospital does not allow the isolation of all suspects until the results of their tests appear, so there are only about 20 beds in the hospital, and it takes PCR analysis “For approximately 48 hours during which the hospital must detain the suspect during this entire period (1). How does the hospital deal with this crisis situation?

The solution followed by the hospital is to refuse to perform a PCR analysis except for only 6 cases out of a total of 600 cases, meaning that 99% of the suspected cases refuse to do the analysis for them, then refer them to other departments or simply ask them to return to their homes. As for the expected scenario, if only one of them suffers from corona, it will be a catastrophic scenario that will not reassure anyone. But what are the criteria for determining who will take the test and who will go home?

The protocol kills patients!

"The Egyptian government sacrifices us in hospitals!"

Ahmed Kamel, doctor

Doctor Fouad Mohamed, associate doctor of Mona Adel, tells Meydan how to choose who is to be tested and who is excluded. He says that the matter “can only be described as indiscriminate,” and then states: “One day, the hospital received a 45-year-old woman who was ill with symptoms of the Corona virus, and the hospital refused to conduct a PCR analysis for her, because“ the protocol’s rules did not apply to her. ” .

"According to the Egyptian government, the suspect must have met one of two conditions: Either he is a positive condition in Corona, or he is returning from a dangerous focus like China and Italy. But this protocol is very sterile, who knows if it is May I mix a condition with Corona with whether or not the symptoms may not appear in a pregnant woman for a whole week ?!

The official document distributed by the Ministry of Health to the conditions for conducting a "pcr" analysis, the ministry waived these bureaucratic conditions after an injury and death of dozens of cases and doctors objected to it. (communication Web-sites)

Muhammad continues this narration of the tragedy of this woman to us by saying: "The woman remained confined and lay on one of the hospital beds without isolation, but the poor woman's body could not bear the damages of acute pneumonia, so she died after one week in the hospital on March 13, 2020."

This woman was not the only victim of the bureaucratic protocol in Egypt. An Egyptian man who died in the Bulaq Dakrur General Hospital joined her on the victims' train. The hospital refused to receive him as a person with coronavirus because he “did not meet the protocol’s rules” and he died one week later, specifically on March 20. 2020.

At that time, one of the intensive care physicians supervising that man in the hospital, the Egyptian doctor Ahmed Kamel, went out to describe the Ministry of Health protocol as "stupid." He pointed out that the arbitrariness of the medical protocol and the neglect of the medical administration are the reason for the delay in revealing the case of the patient with corona, who had been in contact with dozens of medical staff while he was in the hospital, which made Kamel cry out for help: "The Egyptian government is sacrificing us in hospitals!".

Fleeing injured taxi driver!

"The government is throwing us into perdition!"

Hana Abdul Rahman, a nurse

Mona Adel watched the doctor’s distress video and his complaint from the medical system in Egypt, which he broadcast on the social networking site “Facebook”, but it was not strange to her. She recalled that man in Alexandria who was just returning from Italy and showed symptoms of the Corona virus, so he performed "PCR" analysis and the result appeared "negative", so the man went safe to his home in the neighborhood of "Sidi Bishr", and after a few hours passed the hospital called the same man in a private ambulance to inform him that there was a "mistake" had occurred in his analysis and that his result was in fact "positive" He and his wife were quarantined at Al-Ajmi Hospital (2).

How many people did this guy hit? no one knows! Nurse Hana Abdul Rahman tells Maidan : “There is a certain man who mixed with the injured man: the taxi driver who accompanied him on his journey from the hospital to his home after his first erroneous result. Ironically, until now the government is still searching for this driver until it holds him in stone. Healthy, and became famous among us as "the fugitive taxi drivers" in a story that we are aware of with doctors and pharmacists at leisure. "

The patient is up to himself

"The government hotline is useless and sterile."

Ahmed Hani, a nurse

Mona Adel tells “ Maidan ”: “On March 21, I received a sick girl and the results of her analysis appeared“ positive. ”The girl reported the results of her analysis and asked her to wait until she was transferred, then I went up to the hospital director and told him what happened and asked him to contact the Quarantine Hospital to transfer The condition was there, but the manager’s response surprised me: “The quarantine is full, so go to her house, there is nothing we can offer her.”

Mona Adel got out of the manager’s room and spoke to Ahmed Hani, one of the hospital nurses, so that the latter surprised her with a worse story. We asked Hani to communicate with him to tell us what happened, and he agreed to testify.

In " Maidan ", Hani told us the story of a woman who had something similar to pneumonia at the beginning, but no one received her, saying: "Since the woman came to the reception and symptoms similar to the symptoms of the Corona virus were visible on her, doctors rushed to call the emergency hotline provided by the Egyptian government: 105. The lady entered at 12:00 midnight, and doctors kept calling the hotline to find out how they would behave about this. "

Hani adds: "For a full 6 hours, no one answered us, neither on the hotline nor in any other way less hot, more than 30 calls were diverted to the sterile automatic answer without any benefit. The lady was sitting in the reception room dealing with all people without making any A protocol to isolate her from the people. In the end, the doctors decided to advise the woman to go to the Fever Hospital at 7:00 am. ” No one knew who the woman had dealt with during her stay, and the woman's journey ended without any review of her medical condition. If the randomness is the lady of the situation in dealing with Egyptian patients, what is the situation of doctors, pharmacists and nurses ?!

The response issued by the Aswan Health Directorate on March 27, 2020, which denied his testimony and then dismissed him from work after telling the truth. (communication Web-sites)

Doctor Jamal Zainhim complains about the lack of masks and alcohol in Talkha Hospital, so the Health Directorate did not write a memo against him and referred him to the investigation to raise his confusion and rumors. (communication Web-sites)

Sacrificing doctors and nurses

"One major hospital closed due to negligence means entire sections that have nothing to do with the Corona pandemic, which stops working, which means direct death for everyone."

Yasmine Nasser, doctor

Hani has not been able to testify publicly about the mismanagement of the situation by the Sisi government, because he does not want to meet the fate of his colleague Abanoub Gerges Bashir, the doctor who wrote on his page his testimony about the lack of safety standards inside the hospitals of the Ministry of Health in Aswan. From work, I denied that there was any positive case of corona in Aswan, although Abanoub himself dealt with a case that confirmed her infection.

The misdiagnosis, medical negligence, bureaucratic protocol, random congestion without safety procedures, and the wrong distribution of cases, both in quantity and quality, were not just loopholes in the Egyptian health system, but rather parts of a system that suffers from a pronounced defect in infection control. On the other hand, the official statements of the Egyptian government confirm that the health situation is satisfactory, and that all safety measures are in place and incomplete. Mona Adel strongly questions the official statements, and as she reads the headlines and official statements, she is shocked when Hussein Hamed, one of her fellow pharmacists working in the infection control department, develops symptoms of the Corona virus.

Meydan got a chance to meet Hamid, and he told us what happened, when he said: “When I showed symptoms of Corona’s disease at night, I rushed the next day to the hospital administration to request an analysis. But the manager shocked me with his dry response:“ We cannot do an analysis of “PCR“ for you or for the medical staff. ”I wondered and asked what is the justification? How can someone who cares for the lives of people not order the person to care for his life personally?”

Hamid continues, "My urgency resulted in nothing, so I went home bored and isolated myself. Fortunately, after two weeks, I recovered and resumed my work, despite all the obstacles and neglect of the lives of medical workers." Hamid's story raises a number of questions: Was he really infected with Corona? How many people have had contact with before and after symptoms? Nobody knows, the system did not agree to do the analysis for it, and no one followed the path of mixing it with people.

Hamed contacted us in Maidan again, to tell us that one of the doctors at the hospital with him had picked up the infection, and the workers suggested that it was because of his association with Hamid himself. Hamid feels distressed, but he feels helpless as well, and he tells us: "If the government cannot provide the lowest safety standards in hospitals, or for me personally, how can I not make someone else infected?"

However, Hamid was more fortunate than his colleague, pharmacist Mahmoud Sabry, who did not recover as Hamid. Sabri was diagnosed with coronavirus, and he suffered from severe pneumonia, and then died on March 23, 2020, becoming the first pharmacist to die as a result of infection in Egypt. Sabri, in turn, transmitted the infection to his pharmacist son and his medical wife. Sabri’s death has sparked a wave of grief and anger in the pharmaceutical sector in Egypt for the government’s failure to provide them with safety standards (3).

No installation and no protection

"The doctor who wears the muzzle in the hospital will punish him and deduct him 5 days from his monthly salary."

Ashraf Amin, Director of Gamal Abdel Nasser Hospital in Alexandria, Dean of the Army

Mona Adel and Hussein Hamed agree to deal with the situation as it stands, to save what can be saved. One of the main crises facing the medical sector in Egypt is the massive shortage of medical supplies to prevent infection, before the virus basically reaches its peak. In the context of this shortage, Mona Adel confirms to " Maidan " that the medical staff "has only one surgical mask available throughout the period of our work in the patrol for eight hours. No alternative medical masks, no alcohol, no gloves, which are measures inconsistent with the safety and preventive measures the disease".

But Mona Adel knows that she was better luck than doctors and nurses at Gamal Abdel Nasser Hospital, as a decision was issued by Ashraf Amin, the current director of the hospital and the dean of the army referred to the pension, preventing employees and nursing staff from wearing masks or gloves to protect themselves and others from infection. "Amin" threatened that everyone who sees him wearing a glove or gag will be deducted from his monthly salary, so the doctors and nurses have to deal with patients without the simplest equipment to prevent infection (4).

The disregard for the lives of doctors and nurses reached its climax in a hospital in Damietta, where the water was cut off from the hospital for three whole days with no masks and gloves on the medical staff, not only were doctors prevented from the means of protection, but were even prevented from washing their hands with water (5).

All these arbitrary measures and the deliberate disregard for the lives of medical personnel makes doctors all over the country easily susceptible to disease, and based on this unhealthy framework in which the lowest standards of safety are absent from prevention, medical teams become susceptible to infection very easily.

Beside the injuries mentioned by those who spoke to " Maidan " between doctors, pharmacists and nurses, Ashraf Al-Halouji, an internal medicine consultant at Al-Jazeera Hospital in Giza, was injured after mixing with an infected case of Corona without following the necessary medical safeguards, and Al-Halouji was isolated in quarantine on March 17, 2020.

Al-Halouji joined a nurse - head of the nursing department - at Damietta General Hospital, where she contracted the infection on March 19, 2020, and her fellow nurses published a section in which they sought help from the absence of the means of transmission in the event of panic, screaming and crying. Four days later, three nurses at Damietta Specialist Hospital were infected with the virus on March 24, 2020 AD and diagnosed as "positive" as well, according to what doctor Hadi Mustafa told " Maidan ", an eyewitness from inside the hospital.

Egyptian government for the Italian people

This deficiency in the means of infection prevention led to an excessively high price on the market. For example, on the website, the price of a single mask was 100 pounds, so how did the government act on this situation? The government decided to ignore the demands of its people to provide them with protective masks and to provide health supplies for medical personnel. Instead, it hit the health of the Egyptian people on the wall and sent a shipment containing a million muzzles to Italy on March 21, 2020 (6).

A request submitted by a doctor at the Mounira General Hospital in Cairo on March 22 for a muzzle, and the store replied: None. Just a day before, the Egyptian government exported one million muzzle to Italy the previous day. (communication Web-sites)

What added to Egypt’s doctors' discontent with the management of the Sisi regime of the Corona epidemic file is that the next day, March 22, 2020, one of the doctors of Al-Munirah Hospital was infected with the Corona virus due to the absence of preventive measures inside the hospital, and he was isolated in quarantine, amid great discontent and grumbling of his colleagues due to The government care for the Italian people and neglects the demands of the Egyptian doctors (7).

In the context of preventing the protection of Egyptian doctors, Abanoub Nazih, a doctor at Damanhour General Hospital, tells " Maidan " site, another chapter of the tragedy, saying: "We deal daily with suspected cases of infection with the Corona virus, and we ask the administration to suppress the type of" N95 " But it is forbidden for us for an unknown reason, and the hospital only provides us with surgical masks that do not prevent transmission of the virus at all, but that one time I asked the hospital director to provide a muzzle for me to deal directly with positive cases, he replied to me, saying: "Wear two masks over some", It is a farce that is not related to health measures. "

Security deal with Egyptian doctors

Until now, no one knows why the system has yet to perform PCR analysis on medical staff, despite the poor quality of prevention. Perhaps because the Egyptian regime deals with doctors and medical staff in Egypt as well as with soldiers recruited by the army.

At the beginning of March, the government summoned Dr. Islam Raafat to work in the May 15 hospital for quarantine in Cairo. We contacted in “ Meydan ” with Raafat and told us: “Before I went to the hospital I asked one of the army deans about the nature of my assignment in the quarantine hospital, and the army dean warned me If I respond to the summons, I will not be discharged from the hospital except by military order, and he told me that if I try to leave before that, the army officer has orders to "eliminate me and shoot me" if I try to escape. They deal with us as a fugitive from the border.

Raafat did not listen to the dean's warning, because the government is spending 15-20 thousand pounds as a reward for doctors working in quarantine hospitals, but on what account? Doctors ’testimonials persisted that the medical situation in Egypt was deteriorating, but they could not talk about it, everyone knows that there are security services that are in charge of the crisis file in Egypt, and there are constant threats of summons in the National Security Service if a doctor dares to publish the facts (8).

This is the reason most of the doctors and pharmacists with whom Maidan communicated refused to talk to the site, saying that they were afraid of the regime's brutality, stressing that many of their colleagues from Aswan to Matruh had already been investigated. Even the few who responded to us and told us the truth, they have repeatedly emphasized on Maidan that all their names must be hidden so that the repressive regime does not abuse them, even though they only tell the truth.

The Governor of Qena, Major General Ashraf Al-Daoudi, on an inspection visit to the Qaft Hospital on March 23, 2020 AD. The picture shows the brigade wearing a muzzle and gloves even though he does not deal with the infected cases, while the doctor who deals with the sick cases himself does not wear anything to prevent infection Because the equipment was not available in hospitals at all

A desire to cover up and conceal information

"There is a clear tendency for the government to conceal the worsening of the crisis."

Abanoub Nazih, a doctor from Damanhour

In the first half of March, a physician at the University Student Hospital in Alexandria was seriously infected with fever and pneumonia, so he went to the administration to perform the virus analysis on him as presumably, but in a sudden move the hospital director healed the case and refused to report it or conduct the analysis for it and book it In the kidney ward, without any isolation or analysis, according to the testimony of the survivor of justice, one of the doctors working in the hospital.

Nagy tells " Maidan ": "My poor colleague doctor remained captive to the director's passion without the necessary medical care suitable for his possible infection with the Coronavirus. His body was able to fight the disease a little, but eventually he completely surrendered and this deliberate negligence of the hospital administration resulted in the doctor's death from pneumonia. On March 23, 2020 AD. It is strange that the body was handed over to his family, and the funeral was secret, and they were instructed to keep a secret.

At that time, only after the death of the doctor and the spread of his injury and confidentiality spread, the hospital performed a PCR analysis on whoever was mixed with his illness for fear that this painful scenario would recur, so the results of 13 nurses and doctors in the hospital itself appeared “positive”, all of them got the infection from that doctor dead. The hospital was closed and transferred to quarantine for all patients and staff for 14 days.

This scenario of hiding is repeated in the Al-Miri University Hospital, where the hospital director conceals several cases of corona in one of the wards, without the isolation procedures followed, and doctors and nurses deal with a state of terror, do they continue their work or flee from this place that is not followed for the lowest Degrees of transparency and infection control?

In an exclusive interview with Meydan , Leila Fathi, the doctor at Al-Miri Hospital, told us that “at least 4 nurses and one doctor at the Al-Miri hospital were diagnosed“ positive ”with the Coronavirus, all of whom were infected by unsafe contact with 3 patients with corona who were kept secret by the hospital director and held With wards of the kidneys and the heart openly without any adequate isolation measures. "

"The director of the hospital ordered the injured doctors and nurses to take a two-week vacation without conducting a" PCR "because he refuses to do the analysis for them," said Leila Fathi. To what extent does the scenario of suppression and sacrifice for doctors and nurses continue? And who is benefiting from the hiding behind in the first place?

As of the moment, there is no official statement that explains the justifications for refusing to conduct PCR analysis on the medical staff, nor is there an official statement that shows people the wisdom of a lack of transparency and deliberate fraud in official numbers and data. However, the testimony of doctors, pharmacists, and nurses is frequent regarding a tacit agreement between all hospital administrators and officials to cover up the affected cases as much as possible, not to “stir panic” among the citizens, which is consistent with the nature of the patriarchal security logic in which the military authority in Egypt deals with the people in Habit.

Sisi and his government recklessly

On March 25, 2020, the Ministry of Health inaugurated a press conference to talk about the developments of the crisis in Egypt. The conference appeared as a microcosm of managing the medical condition in the country and its duplication, confusion, and randomness: there is a lack of organization, a complete absence of means of protection between those present, and a lack of Full of any health standards preventing the virus from spreading inside the conference hall.

The question here is: If the head of the medical system in Egypt calls on citizens not to gather in the streets, at a time when the minister is gathering with dozens of citizens inside one hall, then how do we expect the citizens to respond? How do we expect the state of the medical scene in Egypt?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel at one of her press conferences (Reuters)

This recklessness was not unique. On March 3, 2020, after the outbreak of the global crisis of Corona, the military junta was overcrowded at the end of its meeting in full with the President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. This disregard for the damage of the devastating virus clearly shows that the country's leaders do not understand the seriousness of the matter at first.

As a result of this deliberate disregard for the seriousness of the matter, Sisi's official meetings were held as they were without any change. After this meeting, some of the generals who attended the Military Council meeting were diagnosed with HIV, and the infection was passed on to their families and those who contacted them. After that, 3 military brigades were all died due to the complications of Corona: Major General Shafei Dawood, Major General Khaled Shaltout, and General Mahmoud Shahin.

In a special statement to " Maidan ", one of the workers in the Al-Zohour project in the seventh district, which is the area designated for the facilities of the Ministry of Defense in the new administrative capital, tells us that "some of these brigades had transmitted the infection in turn to 16 civil servants, then to 10 other people, and it was The main reason for transmitting the infection is that approximately 20 brigades have met with 300 civil servants between contractors, consultants and engineers in order to monitor the progress of work, without regard for the seriousness of the crisis. (9)

And after the aggravation of the injuries in this way, the government refused to conduct any health isolation of the injured civilians, so that the noise did not arise and the lights turned to this scene, in a behavior that indicates complete disregard for the nature of the situation and the global crisis, as if the crisis is merely a private sector company run by a group of generals who do not understand Something in medicine and epidemiology without supervision and no reckoning.

These policies led to an outbreak of the epidemic even within the ranks of the army itself, which was filled with confirmed cases of either recruits or officers, such as Lt. Col. Muhammad Mukhtar, who was injured along with his son and his wife, where he picked up the infection from his wife's father, who is currently isolated in May 15 Hospital in Cairo (10), and the dean Osama Al-Zayat, one of the leaders of the Army Engineering Authority, after returning from a visit to Sharm El-Sheikh (11).

The medical situation in Egypt, then, suffers from crises of intransigence, neglect, and sacrifice of medical personnel, randomness, and willful misinformation in managing the file. This started pushing many pharmacists, chemists and doctors to "escape" from the health system in Egypt, and their lack of commitment to their work, due to the absence of preventive means from hospitals.

Some medical workers suggest that the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population opened the door to volunteering to join the Corona virus teams starting from Wednesday, March 25, to cover the deficiency resulting from the escape of doctors, pharmacists and nurses from the government, as they found that the government sacrifices them at the cheapest price, and does not care about their lives or With the lives of their families in light of the deliberate disregard against the preventive measures, the medical staff resorted to fleeing from the service of the citizens, due to the absence of the lowest standards of medical safety and security.

These simple features of neglect and disorganization within the medical system are a natural result of years of corruption, neglect and abuse in the treatment of doctors, which led to a critical situation for the medical system in Egypt, and made it, with the exacerbation of the Corona crisis, on the verge of collapse. You see, will the government save the situation and open a door for transparency and decent treatment for the medical staff in Egypt, or will the government kill Egypt’s doctors until they are equipped and the entire people behind them are lost?