According to the official website of the United Nations, on March 31, UN Secretary-General Guterres released a report entitled "Sharing Responsibility and Global Solidarity: Responding to the Socio-Economic Impact of the New Crown Epidemic", calling on everyone to work together to resolve the negative aspects of this crisis Impact and mitigate the impact on people.

Guterres said in his speech that the new crown pneumonia epidemic is the biggest test that the United Nations has faced since the founding of the United Nations, and the international community should strengthen coordination and respond together.

Guterres emphasized: "The message in our report today is clear: shared responsibility for tackling the impact of the new crown virus and achieving global solidarity. This is a call to action."

Guterres noted that first, a coordinated health response is needed to curb the spread of the virus and end the pandemic. It is essential that developed countries immediately assist less developed countries in strengthening their health systems and response capacity to prevent their spread.

Second, the devastating social and economic impact of the crisis must be addressed, focusing on the most affected areas: women, older persons, youth, low-paid workers, small and medium-sized enterprises, the informal sector and vulnerable groups , Especially those in a humanitarian crisis and conflict environment.

(Video source: United Nations Editor Zhou Yan)

Editor-in-chief: [Liu Xian]