- It has been heard that people have seen lynx, but it is clear that as stationary as they have been here for so long and proved so often is perhaps unique. The children have also been given the opportunity to see them and it is an incredibly beautiful animal to see and bigger than you can believe, says Emil Torstensson.

Lynx in the middle of the village

The lodges have recently returned to the area around Kvänarp and many residents there have encountered them on several occasions. There have been several adult animals but also a female with cubs.

- They are in the middle of the village, around the house knots and in the protection of the dark they dare to even pee on the house knot and mark the reefs. I've met them with the car and some neighbors have met them when they're out and about.

Emil Torstensson has seen the animals on several occasions and managed to catch on film when the lynx sneaks up on his plot.

What is it that attracts the lynx to you, what is so exciting about Kvänarp?

- Someone said that we are too bad hunters and have a lot of game. No, but we are strategically close to Jönköping where a large lynx tribe has existed in recent years and they are clearly individuals that are spreading, I would think.