"It is scary, we feel threatened," says Chia Jonsson, manager at Carl Larssongården in Sundborn about the very unusual time they are working this spring.

"The worst is the uncertainty"

At present, the time is devoted to seeking financial support both from local companies and by submitting applications to various funds to be able to conduct the business as it was intended. The farm has no municipal or government grants and is dependent on ticket revenue from visitors.

- The worst thing right now is the uncertainty, not knowing if we will need the 35 guides we are recruiting now or whether we should start training for them, it is impossible to count at all, says Chia Jonsson and it is a reality that she shares with many colleagues in Dalarna's hospitality industry today.

Several companies have given up hope

The companies that SVT Dalarna called around also testify about canceled and canceled visits during the big excursion month in May and about canceled exhibitions and that most have given up hope of being able to attract foreign tourists even if the high season months come as it was intended.

The hope everyone lives on is that Swedes will be vacationing at home this summer and that it can offset some of the loss they have had so far.

In the clip, Chia Jonsson tells more about the vulnerable situation that the Carl Larsson farm is in right now and about how to try to save the business.

Below is a list of major tourist destinations in Dalarna and how they were affected: