China News Network, March 31. According to the WeChat public account of the Emergency Management Department, outdoor fires have recently occurred in various places, and most of them were caused by people's accidental use of wild fires. The Ching Ming Festival is approaching, the people's incense, burning paper, waxing and other sacrifice and outing activities will increase, and the risk of fire will increase. The Fire and Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management issued the Qingming Festival fire safety tips to remind the public to pay attention to fire safety.

On March 25th, the Xianling Cemetery in Nanjing held a 2020 Qingming collective sacrifice sweeping ceremony. The picture shows the staff bowing and praying for the deceased. Photo by China News Agency reporter Bo Bo

The tips are as follows:

1. Burning of paper money in cemeteries, cemeteries, residential areas, and residential buildings is strictly prohibited in areas where the sacrifice is suspended, and areas where the sacrifice is allowed to be sacred should advocate the use of civilized methods such as planting trees and flowers.

2. Sacrifice lighting, burning incense, burning paper, and setting off firecrackers should be far away from public buildings, cultural relics protection units, key units of fire safety, flammable and explosive places, forests and grasslands.

3. Burning candles, burning incense, burning paper, and setting off firecrackers, should clean the surrounding flammable materials, and perform on-site care to prevent fires caused by re-ignition of ash or flying fire; do not perform open flame sacrifice activities on windy days.

4. It is strictly forbidden to occupy and block safety exits, evacuation passages and fire truck passages during sacrifice activities; parents should educate their children not to play with fire.

5. When traveling on Qingming Holidays, please check the power and gas in your home, clean up the sundries on the balcony corridor, and maintain fire safety at home.

6. Forest and cemetery management units shall strictly implement the duty and inspection system, maintain and maintain fire fighting vehicle equipment, and provide adequate fire fighting equipment to detect and dispose of the fire in a timely manner.

7. If you find a fire, please call the fire alarm number 119; if you find a fire hazard and fire-fighting illegal behavior, please call the report number 96119.