There are noticeably fewer people moving in Uppsala now compared to last year. This is something that Uppsala City collaboration, which measures people's flows in the city with the help of cameras, can also confirm.

- We've lost half and it's awful. At the same time, it is clear that we will lose. We must follow the restrictions and this is a balancing act, says Lisa Thörn, CEO of Uppsala City Cooperation.

Hit hard against stores

The reduced flow has also made it tougher for the stores in the city center. Uppsala Chamber of Commerce has previously described the situation as "the worst battle against Uppsala in modern times".

- We are trying to highlight all good initiatives and there is a creativity going on that we have never seen before. Several open outdoor restaurants and offer home delivery. But it is extremely difficult for some, says Lisa Thörn.

The sun and the band finale made more people go out

However, a slight turnaround happened last week and more chose to leave, figures from the survey show.

"We had the band finals and more days of sun," says Lisa Thörn.

Uppsala Municipality has also made it easier for businesses to move out onto streets and squares. It is a matter of the municipality, in consultation with the police and Uppsala city, made it easier to get temporary permission for sale in connection with the business premises.

See the pictures from a folk artist Uppsala in the video above.