Army psychologists guide online to help cure patients through "psychological barriers"

Our reporter Guo Guozhong correspondent Gao Yi Wang Zhihui

As some patients recover and are discharged, their psychological problems gradually emerge. How to provide patients with anxiety, depression, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc., to provide timely, accurate, continuous, convenient and professional psychological counseling? On March 31, Cao Zhiyong, a member of the Army Support Hubei Medical Team and deputy director of the Department of Psychology of Wuhan Taikang Tongji Hospital, said in an interview with the reporter of Science and Technology Daily: "We form a team of psychological service experts at the rear. Trauma characteristics and laws, scientific research to determine the mental health of patients after cure, take online scale assessment, difficult consultation, comprehensive assessment, one-to-one intervention, group counseling, follow-up and other specific measures to provide continuous psychological services for patients with infection cure, help Patients rebuild healthy psychology and return to normal life. "

"After being discharged from the hospital, my emotions fell into a trough again during the isolation period, and I was always worried that I would relapse. Just when I was at a loss, the psychologist helped me through the psychological barrier through online counseling." Wuhan City was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia After the patient was cured and discharged from hospital, the patient experienced severe anxiety, insomnia and other symptoms during the isolation period. The rear psychologist conducted remote online counseling to him for 50 minutes. Cao Zhiyong contacted in time for similar stress disorders that occurred after Mr. Chen was cured and contacted in time. He recruited 15 vocational experts and highly qualified psychologists to form a team of psychological service experts at the rear, which effectively relieved his negative emotions.

Cao Zhiyong told reporters that post-traumatic stress disorder is prone to occur after a period of time when psychological stress occurs. After the epidemic, the patient ’s body is cured, but the psychological reconstruction takes time to complete. Some people are prone to post-traumatic stress symptoms such as excessive alertness to the environment, mental numbness, and replay of the traumatic experience. Some people may experience excessive mental stress and anxiety. Negative emotions such as depression, inferiority, and inferiority. These reactions are normal phenomena. The disappearance of this "shadow" also varies from person to person. Some of them last for 3 months, and some of them last for 1 year. To professional psychological support, it may affect life.

This reporter has learned that most of the members of the rear psychological service expert team led by Cao Zhiyong are psychologists who have participated in public emergencies such as the Wenchuan earthquake and have rich experience. They specially set up an online service group to carry out research and judgment on the mental health situation of the people after the epidemic and online psychological counseling. During this period, more and more patients who were discharged from hospitals sought help from a team of psychologists online through recommendations from front-line doctors, and their psychological needs were no longer limited by time and space, especially through online psychological counseling and psychological intervention. To achieve self-reconstruction of post-epidemic psychology.

After being discharged from a hospital, one patient kept the door closed and did not dare to come out. He was worried about re-infection. He disinfected the articles several times a day and repeatedly measured his body temperature. He was scared even with a cough and it was difficult to fall asleep at night. . He asked experts for help through WeChat group and combined with online scale assessment results, after a comprehensive evaluation, the psychologist provided psychological counseling through the video system, organized psychological trainers to train him for muscle relaxation and psychological desensitization, and his anxiety Emotions improved significantly.

"During the outbreak, the goal of clinical psychological crisis intervention is to eliminate or improve patients' strong emotional response and mental symptoms, so that patients can better receive treatment." Cao Zhiyong said, but after the patient was cured and discharged, the psychological trauma was repaired. Need a process. Therefore, the ongoing psychological service after the epidemic is to allow the cured patients to pass through the "psychological barrier", return to life as soon as possible, and minimize psychological trauma.