In line with the preventive and precautionary measures and measures taken by the UAE government and the competent authorities to contain the new Corona virus (COVID-19), and as part of its concern for public safety, the National Ambulance launched an educational video calling on everyone to "stay at home" in a manner that is integrated with the campaign # # Khalk_In_Home That have been launched on social media sites in the country, to facilitate the work of medical and emergency teams and individuals working in the emergency and crisis sector and enable them to perform their tasks in curbing the spread of new Corona infection.

National Ambulance: “Staying at home is the best help for us ...” # Khalk_home_Arab # Emirates_Today

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) March 26, 2020 In the same vein, CEO of National Ambulance Ahmed Saleh Al-Hajri said: “Our staff on the front lines work around the clock and at their full potential to preserve the safety and health of the community in these exceptional circumstances, that your stay at home is It is our best help and therefore we call upon everyone to act responsibly and abide by the directions and instructions issued by the relevant authorities to ensure the safety of all and cooperate together to limit the spread of this global epidemic. "

In a press statement yesterday, the National Ambulance confirmed its continued full readiness and raising the levels of readiness and taking additional measures in the face of the new Corona Virus (COVID-19), in addition to taking all preventive, precautionary and proactive measures and activating it to continue business plans to deal with the general situation, in line with the directives of the leadership. Al-Rashida, in cooperation with strategic partners and the competent authorities, to effectively confront this crisis and ensure the continuity of ambulance services in emergency situations, rapid response and flexibility in dealing with developments in the situation, as well as maintaining the health and safety of its employees and members of society from Mo Buzz and residents.