South Korean police want "Ph.D. pornography" to show publicly, Koreans call for severe punishment

[Global Times Special Correspondent Liu Yuan, Global Times Special Correspondent, Jin Huizhen] As soon as the "N-room" incident in South Korea was exposed, a huge wave of public opinion in South Korea was set off. After the South Korean media revealed the true information of the principal criminal, Dr. Jo Bin, who is also known by his nickname as Dr., the Seoul Local Police Department investigating the case also decided on the 24th to release his personal information and ID photo to the public. In addition, the police also said that when Zhao Zhoubin was handed over to the prosecutors on the 25th, he would be exposed in front of media cameras. South Korean media said that Zhao Zhoubin was South Korea's first sex offender who was "publicly displayed."

According to the "Central Daily" reported on the 24th, the Seoul Local Police Department held a "Personal Information Publicity Review Committee" that afternoon and decided to release Zhao Zhoubin's personal information and ID photo to the public on the grounds that "Zhao Zhoubin's crime is of a bad nature and is a major crime The crime meets the conditions for the police to disclose the personal information of the suspect. "

In addition to severely punishing the principal offender, the South Korean police also said that they would thoroughly trace the information of 260,000 paying members. South Korean police announced on the 24th that they have contacted the virtual currency operating company's South Korean branch and asked the other party to provide a list of all persons who have paid Bitcoin to the "doctor." Previously, in order not to leave any criminal evidence, Zhao Zhoubin only allowed transactions with Bitcoin. As a result, the police decided to follow the lead and arrest those who paid to watch these indecent videos.

The case has aroused great concern in South Korea, and the Korean people are angry about this, and have called for severe punishment of the murderers. To this end, the South Korean Ministry of Justice issued a directive to the General Prosecutor's Office on the 24th, requesting the prosecution to thoroughly investigate the information and organizational structure of organizers who have committed sexual crimes using cyberspace and all persons involved in the crime, and recommended that the prosecutors request the court to apply the highest court Sentencing standards. If these crimes are found to be organized collective crimes, they should be punished more severely. In addition, considering that most of the social media servers such as encrypted communication software used for cyber crimes are abroad, the South Korean Ministry of Justice said on the 24th that it will actively cooperate with Interpol to obtain criminal evidence of all persons involved, and Track and collect all proceeds of crime.

A related person on the South Korean Ministry of Justice lamented on the 24th that insufficient investigation and punishment of cyber crimes in Korean society in the past was the cause of tragedies such as the "N Room" incident. We deeply reflect on this. We will make every effort to track and investigate all those involved in cyber crimes in Room N and bring them to justice. Such a bad case cannot be allowed to take place again.