Illustration of a driving license check conducted by the gendarmerie, (Illustraton) - C. Allain / 20 Minutes

They were certainly confined, but not in the sense in which we understand it in recent days. Monday afternoon, gendarmes who carried out a check of the derogatory certificates of movement near the Lac des Bonnets, in Muret, south of Toulouse, spotted a parked car.

Its owners had not gone to get some fresh air or stretch their legs. They were inside, half naked and in full sexual intercourse tells La Dépêche du Midi . The couple in their thirties have curbed their heat, even if the fact of being cut in their tracks did not please the gentleman who cursed the soldiers.

As their trip was probably neither to go shopping, nor to go to work or to see a doctor, they were both fined 135 euros.


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  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • News
  • Toulouse
  • Gendarmerie
  • Unusual