Dr.. Osama Abu Al-Rob / Imad Murad - Doha

The data that explain the success of the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) in the transmission between humans is rapid, the latest of which is a study that reveals that it uses children secretly to spread, so how?

The answer in a detailed report collected statements from doctors and experts in the two Qatari capitals, Doha and Jordan, Oman. We also discussed other aspects related to the ways of transmission of the Corona virus.

To date, the number of coronavirus infections globally has exceeded 275,000, and deaths have exceeded 11,500. The corona virus is spread - mostly - through respiratory droplets that produce sneezing, coughing, yawning, and communication with infected patients, and studies indicate that it can also spread from During the stool.

According to the WHO website, in response to a question: "Can I get Covid-19 disease through the stool of a person who has the disease?"; The organization says, "the risk of transmission of Covid-19 disease through the stool of an infected person appears to be limited. While Initial investigations indicate that the virus may be present in the stool in some cases, as its spread across this pathway does not constitute a major feature of the outbreak.

WHO is assessing ongoing research on ways to spread Covid-19 disease, and will continue to publish new findings. But given the risks involved, it is another reason to clean hands regularly after using the toilet and before eating.

As for the new data, Dr. Adib Al-Zoubi from Amman - in an interview with Al-Jazeera directly - stated that a new study showed that children do not contract the virus, or the infection rate is very small, and even if the virus enters the lungs, it does not infect the lungs with the disease. But they pass the virus on to others.

Scientists have found that the Corona virus is present in a high concentration in children's droppings, so cleaning children is a mechanism by which the virus is transmitted to adults.

Scientists have discovered that children do not have a receptor in the cells of the lung vesicles, which the virus uses, or that this receptor is present but is unable to bind to the virus.

Therefore, this virus does not affect children under the age of nine, and if infected, the incidence of infection is very, very small. On the other hand, it affects the elderly and people with weak immune systems.

Therefore, adult scientists warn when cleaning the young, and asked them to wash their hands very well with soap and water after cleaning the young, and Dr. Adeeb Al-Zoubi said, "By God, I know that this virus uses this method to keep children in order to pass them through them secretly to adults."

Biological explanations
The Arab Center for Stem Cells published the study on its website, citing the publication of The Scientist Magazine, on March 16th, entitled "Potential biological explanations for children not being infected with the Covid-19 virus."

The study showed that there is a difference in the protein present on the surface of the lung cells between children and adults, and that this difference may be the main reason why children do not contract this disease, as the virus uses this protein to enter the lung cell and use it for reproduction.

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The study showed that children do not catch the disease, but they carry the virus, and scientists have found a high concentration of the virus in "anal swabs" in children, which opens the door to speculation that the virus may be transmitted from children to adults in this way.

Are children safe from Corona?
For her part, Dr. Jamila Al-Ajmi, an infectious disease consultant and executive director of the infection control department at the Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar - in an interview with Al-Jazeera Net - confirmed that there is no evidence of children's immunity from infection with the Corona virus, explaining that the child infection rate is weak according to the figures of injuries in China However, there is no evidence of their immunity from disease.

Al-Ajami adds that any person is susceptible to infection with the new virus due to the lack of immunity in people against this virus, because it is new, and it is not the influenza virus that a person infects almost annually, so the body makes immunity against it, calling on society to follow preventive measures, such as washing Hands, and be careful not to touch the eyes, mouth and nose without the hands being clean, and avoid people who have symptoms of respiratory diseases.

And about the treatment protocol applied in Qatar to people with corona, Al-Ajmi said that so far there is no special treatment for corona, but we offer in Qatar the treatments that were provided in China, and have proven effective; such as medicines for regular influenza, and there are drugs that were used for corona previously used for AIDS patients, and there Patients responded to these medications, noting that most of the cases presently had a stable diameter.

Talking about ending the Corona infection once the air temperature rises in the summer, Al-Ajami said that these estimates are based on corona-like viruses that are affected by the air temperature, but in the case of Corona it is not possible to confirm since that, and there is no evidence so far that the virus ends completely in a season the summer.

Is there a link between glaucoma and corona infection?
Evidence of the possibility of transmitting the infection of the Corona virus through the eye led some to search for the possibility of a relationship between glaucoma (blue water) in the eye and the speed of transmission of the new corona virus, which was denied by Dr. Omar Ahmed Qaddoura, a specialist in treating glaucoma at the Hamad Medical Corporation.

Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerve. This damage usually occurs - not always - as a result of high pressure inside the eye ball.

And a specialist in glaucoma treatment at Hamad Medical Corporation confirms, in an interview with Al-Jazeera Net, that there is no direct correlation between the transmission of corona virus infection and patients with glaucoma. However, glaucoma patients usually use several drops through which the infection can be transmitted in the absence of confirmation of clearance of these Drops or drops taken with the hands holding the virus.

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And he called the ability of any patient who uses eye drops every day to be careful when touching the eye or the drop, by making sure the hands are clean and washed with soap, water and sterile, and taking into account not to touch the eye drop eyelashes or eye to avoid any contamination of the eye, as well as not sharing drops between the eye Persons.