[Explanation] On the afternoon of March 20, Mr. Jin and his wife Ms. Wu from New Crown Pneumonia Rehabilitation Platform came to Wuhan Blood Center to donate plasma. After a series of inquiries and physical examinations, the two met the requirements for donating plasma and each succeeded. Donate 400ML and 300ML plasma.

[Explanation] At 1 pm on the same day, the two came to the plasma donation point of the new coronary pneumonia restorer in Wuhan Blood Center according to the agreed time, registered personal information, filled out the "Informed Consent for Plasma Donation", and passed the preliminary blood test. Roll up your sleeves and start plasma donation.

[Explanation] Mr. Jin, 52, has been working in the mainland for more than 20 years. His wife, children and parents-in-law have all lived in Wuhan. At the end of January this year, he had planned to take his family back to Taiwan to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, he could not make the trip.

[Explanation] Subsequently, Mr. Jin developed symptoms such as high fever and dyspnea. CT showed infectious lesions in both lungs. "At that time, my body temperature soared to 39.8 degrees Celsius, and I continued to have fever for more than 10 days." Recalling his illness, Mr. Jin was still worried. He introduced that there was a shortage of medical resources in Wuhan at the time. He was successfully admitted to the hospital for treatment.

[Contemporary] Mr. Jin from Xinguan Pneumonia Rehabilitation Platform: Only experienced this period is full of this unknown danger to the future. Even when there is a chance of death, even when I really don't want to die, I feel the help and help of so many people. So I want to say that I am really grateful and grateful to these medical staff and all these people who can work together to do these things. Special care and care for my Taiwan compatriots.

[Explanation] During the hospitalization, Mrs. Jin's wife, Ms. Wu, children and parents-in-law were also diagnosed one after another, and the family was isolated for treatment. Ms. Wu said, "At the most helpless time, I received help and careful treatment from Hubei Province, Wuhan Taiwan Affairs Office, and medical staff. Now that we have recovered, we think of giving back to the community as soon as possible."

[Contemporary] Ms. Wu, the family member of Taiwan compatriots: After all, she has risen to a global (epidemic) like this, a dangerous state for such a life state of human beings. I think if I can, my own resistance Can help myself, then I also hope that this way can help more people.

[Explanation] It is learned from the news that the plasma of neo-crown pneumonia recoverers can be used to treat critically ill patients. Ms. Wu Mengsheng's idea of ​​donating plasma was supported by her husband.

[Contemporary] Mr. Jin from Xinguan Pneumonia Rehabilitation Platform: When I heard of this opportunity, I felt grateful that it would be the best thing if I had the opportunity to give it back. (Gives) the opportunity for many new students, I think this is a good way to do a little bit of their own.

[Explanation] After completing the plasma donation, Mr. Jin and Mr. Jin were awarded the "Donation Honor Certificate" and "Free Blood Donation Certificate". Chen Hanwei, the director of the component blood donation department of Wuhan Blood Center, said that the people on both sides of the strait are connected by blood, thanking them for their selfless dedication to save the lives of patients with new coronary pneumonia.

[Contemporary] Chen Hanwei, director of the constituent blood donation department of Wuhan Blood Center: After the family manager has managed such a catastrophic event, he will also think of the patients who are currently in critical condition. It is really moving to help them, so especially Their compatriots in Taiwan further show that our mainland and Taiwan are one family and one family is connected by blood.

Reporter Zheng Ziyan reports from Hubei Wuhan

Editor-in-chief: [Liu Xian]