The two three-year-old twin boys are usually in preschool, but now they have barely been outside the apartment for almost three weeks. Therese Storc and her partner do their best to entertain the children and find out things with the children while they work from home.

Trying to employ the kids

- Kris gives birth to incredible creativity. We try to find things so that not every day is exactly the same. You can find games, build huts, bake and cook. Let the children join because they get incredibly bored, they do not understand why we must not go out, says Therese Storc.

More EU countries are likely to see a situation similar to that in China and Italy in the next few days or weeks, according to the ECDC.

"Think about it"

We have got our first case here in Norrbotten and are in the same situation as you were a while ago. How do you think you should think?

- I think you should think of two things. First, one should not take it as if it is a common flu that goes over easily because it actually infects much easier. And then you have to keep in mind that even though it may not hit a healthy person so hard, the one who is not healthy can do it, says Therese Storc.