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13 March 2020A lethality "up to 12 times greater than in South Korea" is what Covid-19 is recording in Italy: contributing to this tragic record are the heterogeneity of the treatments throughout the territory and the poor traceability of the positive asymptomatic cases without swabs despite having been in close contact with one or more confirmed patients, contributing unstoppably to the growth of the infection "

This is the warning of the World Association of Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders (WAidid), chaired by Susanna Esposito. "Early diagnosis, isolation and treatment are the cornerstones to keep the epidemic at bay. But traceability proves fundamental - says Esposito in a note, also Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Parma -. Asymptomatic positives or with few symptoms continue to keep the circulation of the virus high and recent data published in The Lancet show that the median of viral elimination is 21 days and not 14 days. This means that a part of devices in Italy circulates freely because it does not know it is positive and another part leaves the house still positive after the 14-day home quarantine because no one checks that the swab has been negative. I believe it is correct to invite the population to stay at home, but it is not enough. It is essential that close contacts of positive cases buffering is carried out for COVID-19 research, which has so far occurred in an absolute minority of situations. Furthermore, very important is r ivedere, and continuously update according to the progressively available evidence, the method of treatment, which to date is different between one Center and another ".

Spallanzani: "Over 20% of the deaths occurred in Italy"
Two out of ten deaths related to coronavirus occurred in Italy: the 1,016 deaths in our country represent 21% of the approximately 5,000 people who died worldwide with the diagnosis of Covid-19. This is what is learned in the update "Coronavirus: what you need to know", published by the Spallanzani Institute for Infectious Diseases on March 12, and based on data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control and Civil Protection. Our ever-growing percentage makes us second only to China, which accounts for 66% of deaths (an unceasing percentage), or 3,172. After us Iran with 7.4% of deaths (354) and South Korea with 1.4% (66). In the latter case, there is a particularly low number of deaths compared to the more than 7,869 registered cases.