Women phobia can be defined as intense irrational and unjustified fear of women, knowing that these cases can continue over time, as many men suffer from the qualities of shame and fear of rejection.

Men who suffer from this disorder feel very anxious or panic when thinking about the woman, in addition to physical symptoms, such as tachycardia or sweaty hands.

Beauty phobia
Writer Alberto Robin Martin said in a report published by the Spanish site, Lifdar, that there is a form of phobia called "Lethia complex", known as phobia of beautiful women.

And that most of the reasons are related to psychological aspects, and there are also some psychological disorders that may include fear or rejection of women.

A man feeling that he is less valuable than a woman is born with an excessive fear of rejection (Getty Images)

The main reasons for this phobia are:

Low self-esteem : When a man feels that he is less valuable than a woman, this feeling generates an excessive fear of rejection.

Ending Beliefs: Having false beliefs about women, for example believing that they are all bad.

Conflicting relationships with important women in a man's life have caused this type of phobia.

For example, a bad relationship with a mother or grandmother may be a sufficient reason to make a person find it difficult to associate with the female sex, when the mother does not express any kind of affection for her child or even when there are physical punishments, these practices can be the beginning of scenarios for the development of this Kind of phobia.

The patient transmits an infection of shyness and suspicion to all women, and the proportion of suffering that he is exposed to increases every time he is close to the woman.

Steps to overcome women phobia
The site explained that it is possible to treat female phobia as is the case with other types of phobia, however, treatment is a long and difficult process, so it should be very patient.

Women also feel afraid or anxious to talk to men (Getty Images)

Gradual exposure technology
The treatment is based on the exposure of the person who suffers from phobia to what causes him severe fear, although this technique is sometimes used with a coach or therapists, but you can practice it yourself.

For example:

Week 1 : Ask five women a day for the hour.

Week 2 : Ask about time and open a short chat.

Week 3 : Ask about time and try to start a long conversation.

Little by little you will learn to control this fear, and irrational fear will disappear gradually and you will overcome your phobia.

Change irrational negative thoughts
These ideas are considered to be among the difficulties caused by phobia. When these types of phobia appear, it may be one of the ways to overcome it: working to turn negative thoughts into more realistic and positive ideas, and when you come to your mind, you must stop them immediately, and set a mental barrier until Do not let these thoughts control you.

Increased self-esteem
As long as you have a good image of yourself, your fear of women will decrease, and in the absence of your self-esteem, it is difficult to succeed in this, and if you feel confident in yourself, you will not suspect that your appearance or personality may be the cause of your fear for women.

Improving self-confidence and getting rid of negative thoughts is one of the most important treatments for women's phobia (Getty Images)

Talk to women
Try to talk to women, it is very simple but effective at the same time, and is a way to demystify your suspicions about women. And remember, she also feels afraid or anxious to speak to men.

Learn to communicate better
All women are different, but there are generalities that help you better understand them. Most women often like to start talking about something like talking about good memories, or asking for their help in choosing a gift for one of your relatives, for example, and you can talk about a beautiful vacation you spent earlier as well.

Overcome fear of rejection
To get rid of fear of female sex, you must get rid of negative thoughts, improve your confidence and start dealing with women, little by little.