After President Moon Jae-in expressed his intention to support the health sector in North Korea in the March 3 speech, the Yomiuri newspaper quoted a South Korean government official on Wednesday, saying that North Korea asked for mask assistance, but South Korea refused.

Reportedly, South Korea proposed to North Korea to provide reagents and medicines to check for infection with the new coronavirus (Corona 19) after Mr. Moon's speech in Section 3.1.

The North demanded the provision of a mask, but refused because there was a shortage of masks in Korea.

The Yomiuri Shimbun also said the North Korean authorities have blocked their borders with China in response to the Corona 19 measures, which has resulted in growing discontent.

North Korea's health care system is vulnerable, and food and daily necessities such as those from China are in short supply, affecting people's lives.

North Korea's Oh Chun-bok health official said last month that there were no infected people in the country, but the newspaper questioned his comments.

That's why more than 300,000 Chinese tourists visit North Korea annually, and there is a high probability that infected people have come out of North Koreans who have visited China before the North's blockade.

The newspaper also quoted South Korean officials, saying the North Korean authorities instructed Kim Jong-un to reduce face-to-face reports and increase written reports in fear of the spreading of Corona 19.

Kim's inspection site is thoroughly sterilized in advance, and soldiers and staff are forbidden to access him.

Residents are required to wear masks when they go out, but newspapers add that complaints are growing among residents who suffer from lack of masks and problems with their daily lives.