New virus President Trump also participates Rally participants positive reaction March 8 10:07

Amid a series of new coronavirus infections in the United States, President Trump also participated, revealing that one of the participants had a positive virus test last month at a political rally near Washington. became.

The rally was held at CPAC late last month in eastern Maryland near Washington, according to the organizing body, and one of the participants was tested positive in eastern New Jersey on Tuesday. Is out.

The annual rally was attended by conservatives from all over the United States and is known for the participation of many Republican politicians, including President Trump and Vice President Pence.

The sponsoring organization states that one person who tested positive did not attend the event at the main venue and had no contact with President Trump or Vice President Pence.

In the United States, at the annual meeting of the pro-Israel lobby group held in Washington with Vice President Pence late last month in Washington, it was revealed that two participants were positive, and the capital and its There are growing concerns about the spread of infection in the suburbs.