Sanders, Vermont Biden, Virginia victory on March 4 9:10

Opposition and Democratic candidates for the U.S. presidential election were selected on Super Tuesday, a time when Yamaha was losing ground, and in some states, counting began at 9 am Japan time. ABC Television has reported that Senator Sanders has secured victory in eastern Vermont of 14 states and former Vice President Biden in southern Virginia.

The election of Democratic candidates for the US presidential election in November was held on Tuesday, celebrating Super Tuesday, when primary elections will be held simultaneously in 14 states.

In Eastern Vermont and Southern Virginia, counting began at 9am Japan time.

ABC Television reported that Senator Sanders, a leftist, had secured victory in the local eastern Vermont and in southern Virginia, with middleman Vice President Biden based on exit polls and other findings.

Mr. Sanders has emerged as the leading candidate in the early game, leading in preliminary polls in key states such as California, where voting continues.

Meanwhile, Vice President Biden is coming back here, and former Mayor South Bend and Senator Clobshire have recently retired and announced support for Mr Biden.

For this reason, Mr. Biden has a composition to chase Mr. Sanders, and the focus is on which candidate will have the advantage.