Each of us must keep our mouths shut, to revolutionize consumption concepts and eating habits, and to develop a new trend of healthier, greener and safer diet. This is an inevitable need for the healthy development of human beings, and it is also an objective requirement for the construction of ecological civilization.

With the approval of the "National People's Congress Standing Committee's Decision on the Comprehensive Banning of Illegal Wildlife Trade, Elimination of Bad Wild Wildlife Habits, and Effective Protection of People's Livelihood, Health and Safety" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"), the huge game industry was The pause key was pressed. This reflects China's determination and courage to protect wildlife with a stricter legal system. Today, we are vigorously advancing the construction of ecological civilization, and prohibiting wildlife trade and eradicating bad habits is a barrier that must be crossed; we vigorously advocate green life, and we also need to reflect the value of ecological civilization in our recipes. In order for people to live in harmony with nature, We must give up the "heavy taste" habit.

For more than a decade, despite the lessons learned from SARS in 2003, game has never really left people's tables, and the problem of hunting and eating wild animals in some places is still outstanding. The "New Coronavirus Pneumonia Search Big Data Report" jointly released by the People's Daily Research Institute and Baidu shows that local preferences for game are different, but in the past ten years, pangolins and porcupines have been the most popular game among people. The hot search trend of civet goes up instead of down. Many restaurants and markets can see clearly marked wild animals, and some people even use game as a "surprise" for entertaining VIPs. On the e-commerce platform, unscrupulous merchants use passwords to conduct wildlife trading in order to escape supervision. Smuggling wildlife has become the third largest smuggling activity in the world after the drug and arms trade.

After the outbreak, related departments intensified their efforts to crack down on wildlife-related illegal acts by means of thunder. The Ministry of Public Security has launched a special anti-rectification operation. 776 criminal cases involving wild animals have been registered, 1804 administrative cases have been investigated, 2556 people have been dealt with, and 88,000 wild animals have been seized (only). As of February 26, forest and grass systems across the country have handled 690 cases of wildlife violations, more than 39,000 wild animals have been seized, and more than 1080 kg of wild animals have been seized. National market supervision authorities have urged e-commerce platforms to remove, delete or block 140,000 pieces of wildlife trading information. Behind the alarming number, it shows that eating wild animals has become a weird behavior, causing some species that have lived longer than humans to go extinct.

Laissez-faire's pouting mouth and relaxed regulation of game are like opening Pandora's box. Studies have shown that 70% of human infectious disease viruses originate from wild animals, and the disease has been repeatedly confirmed from the mouth. Why do wild animals continue to ban? This has nothing to do with the necessity of protein supplementation, but with a malformed concept of conspicuous consumption. It is precisely that some people chase game at high prices, which stimulates the abnormal demand for wild animals, stimulates the rapid development of related breeding industries, and also creates some GDP. Studies have confirmed that some so-called commercial farming uses have broken the barriers that humans and wildlife should have, which is more convenient for the spread of viruses and germs carried by wild animals to human beings, increasing the potential risks to human health and life safety. Over the years, many institutions and scholars have been proposing to ban the purchase, use, and possession of wild animals into the law, but they have not been able to do so because of economic disputes. However, the GDP it creates is insignificant compared with the loss of life and property caused by the epidemic and the health and safety benefits of 1.4 billion people. At the same time, the prosperity of the wildlife industry runs counter to the protection of biodiversity, the construction of ecological civilization, and the maintenance of biosecurity. Even if it creates more GDP, it must be determined to endure pain.

The evolutionary history of human diet is also a history of the development of civilization. What to eat, what not to eat, and how to eat, to a certain extent, not only reflects the material living standard of a society, but also reflects the civilization of a society. From Ru Maoyin drinking blood to cherished food, the richness of human food is increasing day by day, but food should have a border. It is stipulated in the law that the elimination of the bad habits of eating game is not only the absence of a few dishes on the table, but also the progress of the rule of law, the progress of society, and the progress of civilization. With the economic and social development, meat and poultry eggs and milk are now abundant enough, and the era of lack of materials that require wild animals to supplement protein has passed. Each of us must keep our mouths shut, to revolutionize consumption concepts and eating habits, to develop a new trend of healthier, greener and safer diet. This is an inevitable need for the healthy development of human beings, and it is also an objective requirement for the construction of ecological civilization.

The losses caused by this epidemic are significant, and the lessons are painful. It's painful and painful. Writer He Jianmin said in his SARS Decade, that a nation that cannot learn from suffering and disasters is very dangerous, and it can be easily destroyed by another suffering and disaster. After experiencing this epidemic, the whole society needs to reflect deeply, put action into practice, make a difference, and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Source: China Environment News