A British writer accused the international community of being heavy in condemning the massacre of Muslims in India a few days ago.

While Muslims were being killed in India, the world seemed lagging in condemning the recent violence in New Delhi, as Patrick Coburn said in his article in the British newspaper The Independent.

The journalist specializing in the wars in the Middle East compared the massacre of New Delhi on February 23, 2020 to the acts of violence against Jews on November 9 and 10, 1938 in all of Germany, occupied Austria, and areas in occupied Czechoslovakia by German forces.

And he went back to the 1930s, when the German government incited its supporters to burn temples and destroy the homes of Jews, their shops, companies, and schools, so that at least 91 Jews were killed in those events in what was known as the Crystal Night or the Night of Broken Glass.

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Setting fire
The writer said that what Muslims were exposed to in late February in Delhi was similar to what happened to the Jews on the night of the broken glass. On that day, crowds of Hindu nationalists roamed the streets of the city, setting fire to mosques, Muslim homes, shops and companies, and looting them, killing or burning Muslims alive.

He added that the Indian police left the Muslims without a little protection, noting that 37 people - almost all of them Muslims - were killed and many others were beaten until they nearly died.

Indeed, the masses of Hindus stripped a child of less than two years old from his clothes to ascertain whether he was circumcised or not, because circumcision is an Islamic custom and not Hindu, according to the writer who continued to recount the facts of what happened that day, saying that some Muslim women pretend to be Hindu in order to escape with their skin .

Although the government's collusion was not direct, unlike in 82 years ago, activists of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi were at the forefront of the attack on Muslims.

Hit and blood
A video clip showed Muslim men, whose faces were covered in blood, and the police forced them to lie down and sing national anthems.

The Independent article pointed out that Moody had not uttered a word for several days before making a "vague" appeal in which he called for the preservation of "peace and fraternity".

The truth about the Indian government's stance towards violence was revealed when it transferred Muralydar, the judge of the Delhi High Court, who is known for his criticism of her behavior during the riots.

The British journalist stressed the importance of not underestimating the charges against political leaders and their governments because of their fascist behavior similar to the fascist regimes that ruled Germany in Italy in the thirties and forties of the last century.

Hindu nationalism
The Indian Prime Minister and his party, Bharatiya Janata, in adopting extreme nationalism and their willingness to use violence, described them as the closest right-wing regimes to traditional fascism.

He stressed that Hindu nationalism and the attempt to marginalize or expel two hundred Indian Muslims from the country occupies an advanced position at the center of the agenda of the ruling party and its leader Moody.

The writer accused the international community of what he considered a delay in his part in understanding the magnitude of what is happening in India. He attributed that weightlifting to the fact that the Modi government has been underestimating its project to change the country's position as a secular, pluralist state.

He said that the number of people affected negatively by this change is so great that if the Muslim minority in India had their separate state, it would be the eighth largest country in the world in terms of population.

In the opinion of the author of the article, the violence that erupted in Delhi recently stems from the fear of hate triggered by the riot movement against Muslims at the direction of the Indian government.

The willingness of Moody and his ruling party to move forward with their anti-Muslim campaign is evident in the predominantly Muslim Jammu and Kashmir region, and their announcement of the abolition of self-rule that he has enjoyed.

Although the violence, fire and killings in Delhi last week against Muslims received widespread media coverage, they were met with international forgiveness and tolerance, according to the Independent article.

In a sarcastic gesture, the writer concluded by wrapping up his article to the recent visit of US President Donald Trump to India at a time when Delhi was chasing and killing Muslims. He said that Trump praised Moody for what he called his "strenuous efforts to establish religious freedom in his country."