- This is an opportunity for the undergraduate nurses to get a degree about their skills, skills and knowledge, which has not existed before. Now, nurses are given the opportunity to gain specialist knowledge just like nurses and doctors, says Karin Björnström Karlsson, chief physician and course coordinator for the education.

- As we get more advanced medical technology products in our operations, we also need to add new knowledge, says education leader Cecilia Andersson.

Great interest in education

It is ANOPIVA, anesthesia, surgery and intensive care that is behind the education which is on four semesters in half-speed, where one half is practically learning at work and the other theoretical.

In the first round, there are 24 places to apply and the interest has been great. Already, 62 people have submitted their application.

- All vocational colleges with education have national intake so everyone in the country can apply, says Karin Björnström Karlsson.

Will the nurses receive a higher salary after completing their training?

- I can't answer that today, but in Region Östergötland there is a career ladder, where specialist nursing is the last step. However, it can look very different with different employers. But in Östergötland, it is at least an endeavor to get more nurses to advance in their careers, says Karin Björnström Karlsson.