At 1 p.m., in “La France bouge”, Raphaëlle Duchemin and the editorial staff of Europe 1 tour France with positive and innovative initiatives. Work, education, health… they work across the country to move the lines and break the codes: who are these citizens, these companies, these communities who are committed and invent the world of tomorrow? Inspirational portraits and testimonies.

Coach: Luc Lesénécal , President-Founder of Saint-James and President of the National Union of Crafts

The solution presented by Elisabeth Assayag

- Christophe Audouin , Director General Les Prés Rient Bio and of the Collectif Faire bien. Faire Bien organic and solidarity yogurts, available in specialized organic stores, represent 5% of turnover to ensure the succession of organic dairy farmers and perpetuate the profession of breeder.


- Hugo Meunier , founding president of Merci Raymond, revegetation of places: companies, and others

- Guillaume Fourdinier , founder of Agricool, containers which produces strawberries and resells them online and at Monoprix - opening of a farm

- Pascal Hardy , president of Agripolis, an open-air farm in different structures in France

It's going well for them

- Jean-Michel Péard , Co-founder of the network of organic and independent farmers "INVITATION A LA FERME"