
February 28, 2020 Donald Trump announced the sending of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Doha to sign the peace agreement with the Taliban to bring American troops home.

"Soon, on my orders, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will witness the signing of an agreement with the representatives of the Taliban, while Defense Secretary Mark Esper will disseminate a joint statement with the government of Afghanistan," said the president in a note from the White House.

"If the Taliban and the Afghan government live up to those commitments - he continues - we will have a strong path towards the end of the war in Afghanistan and to bring the troops home. Those commitments represent an important step towards lasting peace in Afghanistan. new, free from Al Qaeda, ISIS and any other terrorist group committed to hitting us ".

"In the end it will be up to the Afghan people to work for his future. We invite him to take this opportunity for peace and a new future for his country," he concludes, stressing that "we are making substantial progress" towards his election promise to put end to a 19-year war and return American soldiers.