Men need to monitor their health and give it special attention, and enjoying good health is one of the basic things that ensures a man's feeling comfortable.

In her report, published in the Russian newspaper "Argumenti i Facti", Anna Shatukhina said that many diseases develop over time, and her symptoms may not appear at first.

She said that men should bypass some of the misconceptions that stipulate not to see a doctor except when necessary or after signs appear that warn of health problems, as well as pay attention to physical and psychological health.

Doctors have identified a number of checks that men should perform specifically for preventive purposes.

1- Blood test that measures PSA
The author stated that a blood test that measures the specific anti-prostate is one of the medical tests that men must do. Generally, this type of examination helps detect cancer in the genitourinary system at an early stage.

In this examination, a blood sample is taken and examined to reveal the specific anti-prostate concentration, a substance that is produced naturally from the prostate gland and is found in a low concentration in the blood. If it increases, this may indicate prostate infection, inflammation, inflation or cancer.

It should be noted that if the results of the analysis are high, this does not always mean prostate cancer, but rather may be signs of infection with genital infection, which requires a visit to a doctor who specializes in urology.

It is recommended to conduct a specific anti-prostate examination once a year, starting at the age of fifty, and if there are cases of this disease in the family, the examination should be carried out early, that is, from the age of forty-five.

2- Examination of the testicle
This examination aims to detect testicular cancer, and enables the discovery of the tumor in the early stages of its development.

3- Examination of the lungs
Due to the high number of smokers among men compared to women, the risk of lung cancer increases significantly. Therefore, the smoker must undergo lung tests regularly.

4- Intestinal examination
The author showed that bowel cancer has become one of the most common cancerous diseases today. In fact, bowel cancer develops imperceptibly.

And due to a diet based on eating fast food, as well as sitting heavily and following bad habits, bowel cancer has become a major threat to men's health. Bowel cancer usually affects a person after the age of forty-five, and initial symptoms are discovered between 10 and 15 years after infection. Therefore, it is recommended that men, between the ages of 45 and 50, monitor their health and take the necessary precautions.

It is advised to examine the hidden blood in the stool annually, and colonoscopy. In the event of a genetic risk, checks should be done frequently and preventive monitoring started at an early age.

5- Monitor blood pressure
Hypertension is one of the most common diseases among people. But at the same time, men usually ignore high blood pressure, which leads to a deterioration of their health, but the faster the high blood pressure is controlled, the lower the risk that high pressure may lead to.

High blood pressure should not be ignored, especially as this may lead to strokes and heart attacks. In fact, it has become clear recently that cardiovascular diseases are common even among young adults. Therefore, the pressure gauge should be included at least once a week, not only for the elderly, but also for young men.

It is not difficult to do this examination, as modern home blood pressure monitors facilitate this without the hassle of going to the doctor or the pharmacy.

6- Monitoring cholesterol and sugar
The increase in sugar and cholesterol causes the blood vessels to become blocked. Diabetes is a disease that leads to severe complications if it is not detected early and is controlled.

Therefore, sugar and cholesterol must be checked periodically, for example once a year, or more or less, depending on the person’s condition and doctor’s recommendations.

In addition, periodic checks such as eye examination should be carried out at least once every three years, knowing that the older the man gets, the more he needs to see a doctor.