SVT has been in contact with Helena Lindmark, operations manager at the infection clinic, who tells us that they follow the routines that exist for work environment problems in the indoor environment.

- A good working environment for our employees is very important, says Helena Lindmark.

Regarding the leaks on the roof, she refers to the region's real estate area manager, Peter Norrman. He says the leaks in the infection ward should be fixed.

In total, it should have leaked water into four rooms and he thinks it is not wrong to have a flat roof.

- But flat roofs have a higher frequency of leaks. We simply do not have enough tax money to replace it right now, he says.

Peter Norrman does not know that employees should have had asthma problems due to the leaks.

- I don't know about that. If they have got feelings, it has happened before the water leak.