Laila Ali

The complaint is repeated that the public and private sectors in schools do not produce enough graduates with the skills needed by the market sector in the field of innovation, where graduates need more rigorous knowledge in mathematics and science, in addition to the ability to integrate and apply this knowledge to solve many of the challenges facing the world. They also need a variety of personality traits and thinking skills.

The primary task of teachers from kindergarten through twelfth grade is to prepare students for the world that they will enter when they graduate. Therefore, different education systems are created that these teachers follow to teach students based on the needs of the market, which has become a need for multiple areas of experience and a group of skills compatible together.

Fundamentals of education
According to a report on the "Conception" website that deals with the difference between the types of education, the basics of education for children started with a triple group: reading, writing, and arithmetic, then the urgent need to focus across the school curricula on concepts of science, technology, engineering and mathematics known as "STI" Mother "(STEM), and then invited to add the arts to become" STEAM ".

The STEM programs were created to provide students with the knowledge and skills of the 21st century they need. According to a study conducted by the American Engineering Education Association in 2014, these high-quality programs should contain the following:

- That students actively participate in solving real-world problems.
- That the STEM content of science, mathematics, technology and engineering be combined in multiple meaningful ways.
Learning is inquiry-based and centered on the student.
Students use the engineering design process to find solutions.
Fruitful teamwork and communication between students.
Students think critically, creatively and creatively.

So, the STEM program is a specific foundation program designed for a specific purpose to integrate and apply mathematics, science and technology to find solutions to real problems, using the engineering design process.

The STEM content helps the student to think critically (Pixels)

What about STIEM?
The same website has published another article explaining the need for scientists to train in the arts that include humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design and new media, as those involved in the educational process see that the settings of "STEM Through the curricula, they make their students participate actively to find creative solutions and solve problems in new and exciting ways by linking different concepts.

Leonardo da Vinci is an early example of a person using the STEM program during his many discoveries in all fields, including the arts and sciences. The Australian Aborigines also have a long tradition of scientific knowledge that is transmitted through songs as a memory system.

The main difference between the STEM and STEMM programs is that the former focuses explicitly on scientific concepts, while the second researches the concepts themselves, but does so through learning methods based on the survey used In the creative process.

What is the importance?
The STIEM program in schools provides an opportunity for students to learn creatively, by using 21st century skills, such as problem solving. These general capabilities are necessary to develop a workforce ready for the future that understands the potential of "what if" when solving problems that occur in real life.

Writer Ann Jolie says in her article on "Divine Steam" that with the STEM program, preconceptions can be challenged that learning areas are separate and cannot be combined, and the idea "I am good in math and science" can be overridden. So I am not creative or creative.

This will change the way we see STEM problems, and create a new way of thinking that is attractive, multifaceted, and comprehensive, with a diversity of representation and thinking, noting that this is the case in the real world.

She continues that the STIEM program is getting stronger in many schools and systems, but some questions arise about how art can contribute to it.

Artistic activities are seen as a way to provide more varied learning, increased motivation, and the potential success of the STEM program.

In an article on why art is needed in the program, writer Anna Feldman refers to art as a way to stimulate student imagination and apply creative thinking and design skills to STEMM projects. She asserts that the arts offer great potential to foster creativity and ways of thinking that can unleash innovation during the program. The use of visual tools to help STEM students to understand and exchange complex ideas is also encouraged.

It should be noted that for centuries scientists, engineers, mathematicians and inventors have used optical tools to explain their ideas to others and to clarify their thinking.

The content of the STEMI educational program is getting stronger in many schools and systems (BIXAPI)

3 ways to include art in STIM?

- the design:
Students can apply technical design principles to the products they create during the STEM challenge, as they can use computer graphics to create flowery logos or designs to include in their presentations. And with industrial design, they can improve product appearance and ease of use. These types of projects can also help them acquire digital skills and apply technology in original ways.

Art in general - including language arts - can play an important role in communicating with other students and with a wider community. For example, during STEM lessons, students may draw their ideas to make them more visible to others, and they may use technical or persuasive writing or communicate orally. Language arts teachers can also play a strong role in helping students gain the cooperation and communication skills they need for the 21st century market.

Creative planning:
Since students offer solutions to an engineering problem, they may be more productive if they adopt a fun, innovative, and artistic approach. Summoning their right artistic minds can help them generate creative and innovative thinking.