Arthritis usually causes pain, swelling and inflammation. While there are 100 different types of arthritis, osteoarthritis is the most common. In this case, the layer of cartilage that lines the bones deteriorates, causing swelling, stiffness and pain.

Without excluding medical treatments, home remedies as well as lifestyle changes can help reduce symptoms and disease progression.

In this report, we offer six effective home remedies that will help alleviate the symptoms of this disease, according to the website "Brightside".

1- Weight control
The Arthritis Foundation indicated that every kilogram of body weight strikes in three, and this affects its knees and six on the hips. As a result, the additional pressure on the joints erodes the cartilage, which increases the symptoms of arthritis. Therefore, weight control helps relieve pressure on the joints and reduce stiffness and soreness.

2- Massage
A scientific study published in 2013 to examine the health benefits of massage for a group of people with arthritis. As part of this study, half of the participants received a light massage, while the other half received a moderate massage.

Four weeks later, the second group, who had a moderate massage, felt less pain at the level of the affected joints, as well as greater freedom of movement and more power to control their movements. The Arthritis Foundation explained that massage reduces the production of stress-related cortisol and the transmission of pain signals in the brain.

Moreover, massages increase serotonin production, which helps to improve moods. Therefore, it is advised to massage the affected joints and muscles regularly, as doing so helps relieve pain caused by arthritis.

3- Consuming omega-3 fatty acids
The site reported that a recent scientific review indicated that omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body and regulate the immune system, which contributes to relieving arthritis pain.

These acids are responsible for other important functions in the body, as they work to promote metabolism and burn fat, which leads to weight loss, and this reduces pressure on the affected joints, and reduces pain significantly. Fatty acids are found in nuts and fish like tuna, sardines and salmon.

4- Meditation
The site pointed out that meditation is very useful to reduce stress in people with chronic diseases such as arthritis. One study has shown that people who meditate have improved their quality of life by reducing pain in affected joints, reducing stiffness in the morning, and relieving inflammation pain.

Moreover, meditation helps people overcome illness and maintain an active social life, as meditation greatly contributes to getting rid of depression, which often accompanies this type of disease. You can practice 10 minutes of meditation a day until you reach 45 minutes, or as often as you think necessary.

5- Take vitamin D.
The site pointed out that a scientific review published in 2016 demonstrated that people with arthritis have low levels of vitamin D. This vitamin is important for strengthening bones and strengthening the immune system.

Therefore, the lack of this vitamin makes people more likely to increase the incidence of symptoms of this disease. The body can absorb this vitamin when exposed to sunlight, or by eating foods that contain it (such as fish, dairy products, egg yolks, avocados, and mushrooms), or by taking nutritional supplements available in pharmacies.

However, it is not clear whether a higher level of this vitamin reduces disease activity. In any case, it is best to maintain a normal level of vitamin D in the body.

6- Get some sunlight every day
With regard to what was mentioned in the previous point, exposure to sunlight is one of the most important ways to help the body obtain vitamin D.

If you suffer from arthritis, it is necessary to be exposed to the sun for a few minutes a day, and be careful not to expose the skin to burns.