Water is essential for the body and its shortage leads to complications. What are the signs that you drink less water?

In her report, published by the Spanish newspaper "ABTH", the writer Melissa Gonzalez said that the first warning sign that the body needs water is thirsty.

The brain is the body most sensitive to water loss, as signs of dehydration are usually low mental ability and low cognitive functions.

The author explained that the Institute of Water and Health Research in Spain recommends drinking enough water throughout the day, since about 300 to 330 milliliters of water should be drunk every two hours.

What happens if you suffer from dehydration?
The writer indicated that the feeling of thirst is not necessarily the first sign that indicates a lack of water in the body, in general there are other manifestations that indicate that our bodies lack water.

For his part, member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Water and Health Research, Dr. Luis Gutierrez Cirantes, presented five degrees of dehydration and their symptoms:

1- Reduced memory capacity, with the body losing about 1% of the water content.

2- When the level of water shortage in the body becomes about 2%, which is equivalent to 200-250 milliliters of water (about a cup of water), the ability to concentrate decreases by about 15%. "With this level of dehydration, reactions are affected and attention is less, therefore slowing down of decision-making and delays occur frequently, as well as physical and mental fatigue," said Serranz.

3- When the body’s water level drops by more than 3%, blood flow to the brain decreases, and a person may experience a severe headache, in addition to the appearance of disorders of skill level and a lack of cognitive process.

4- When the loss of water in the body reaches between 6% and 8%, this may result in dry skin and loss of elasticity, which contributes to decreased secretion of sweat or even cold sweat. Urine also decreases or becomes darker, and hallucinations can also result.

5- If the shortage in the water percentage reaches between 9% and 11%, the most common symptoms are muscle cramps, balance problems and mental confusion, as well as an increase in heart rate and acceleration. Here, Dr. Gutierrez Sirantis warns that immediate medical assistance is required.

Water is essential for the skin
The expert recommends drinking plenty of water because it is good for the skin as well as for the rest of the body. The skin retains a portion of the water to maintain its moisture, but the internal contribution is no less important than the external contribution because the skin takes advantage of the water a lot.

According to expert Louis Gutiérrez Cirants, drinking water throughout the day is essential to detoxifying the body. This specialist also confirms that drinking enough water throughout the day is necessary to maintain the water balance in the body, especially in children, as it is important that we pay special attention to children and adults.

Cirantes recommends drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach to restore water lost during sleeping hours and another cup before bed to ensure that the water balance is maintained in the body. Also, six to eight cups of water should be distributed throughout the day as desired. It is advised to carry a bottle of water and avoid forgetting to drink water, and always remember how important it is to drink water.

For her part, expert and nutritionist Beatrice Robles says athletes must ensure that they have an adequate supply of water during and after exercise.