Anyone suffering from "migraine" migraines may tell you that they are ready to do anything to avoid these pain. Sometimes, the cause of migraines is hormonal or related to stress, however diet can also play a prominent role.

Food It Safe said that there are foods that may trigger migraines, such as milk, cheese, chemical additives and preservatives, but that there are certain triggers that may differ from person to person.

Since nausea and vomiting are often symptoms of migraines, many people do not really like to eat in just one period. However, nutrition and hydration can sometimes help relieve symptoms.

In addition, skipping a meal or late eating was associated with the onset of a migraine. Eating a snack before bed may contribute to maintaining regular glucose levels throughout the night.

Here we offer nine foods that may help with migraines:

An irregular blood sugar level is believed to be associated with a headache, and good slow-digesting carbohydrates can help maintain balance. In people with migraines, blood levels of magnesium are often low, so it is advisable to eat some whole grains rich in magnesium or oatmeal.

Fish and meat
The site confirmed that eating some fatty acids, such as those found in high concentrations in salmon, mackerel (trout) or trout, would contribute to reducing inflammation and pain in the body. This may translate into less severe headaches, as regular consumption of these foods prevents the onset of migraines.

In addition, vitamin B6 found in turkey, chicken, liver, beef and tuna is good for increasing serotonin levels in the brain, as serotonin acts as a natural antidepressant, and also contributes to relaxing the body before bed. Foods that are high in vitamin B6 reduce the symptoms of headaches.

Nuts, seeds and vegetables
The site reported that eating almonds, cashews, sesame seeds, brown rice, black beans and vegetables that are high in magnesium helps relax blood vessels. And the flow of the right amount of blood appears to protect a person from painful headaches and migraines.

Sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E that helps balance the estrogen levels and improves blood circulation. Therefore, sesame seeds may help prevent migraines caused by hormonal shifts during a woman’s menstrual period or just before.

The site added that fruits are the best option to prevent and treat migraines, for several reasons. First, fruits contain a high content of water, knowing that dehydration is one of the main causes of headaches. Red watermelon is a good option if you strive to provide your body with additional water. Many other types of fruits also contain magnesium and minerals that prevent or relieve headache pain, such as apples, avocados and fresh pineapples which are a good source of bromelain, which is an anti-inflammatory enzyme, and rich in water. The potassium in bananas may also be beneficial.

Be careful when eating some types of fruit
Some people are allergic to citrus fruits, bananas, and apples, and they may discover that these fruits exacerbate the headache, so it is advised to write down things that stimulate the headaches in your note to determine if these fruits fall into this category.

And if eating these types of fruits does not lead to the appearance or worsening of symptoms, then eating the fruits will be the most appropriate decision during the headache.

Caffeine may play a role in reducing migraine pain, which is why this substance is found in most anti-migraine medications. However, it appears to work better for people who don't take caffeine regularly. Therefore, people who used to drink coffee or tea in the morning may not benefit as much because of this brain’s familiar chemical. Unfortunately, abrupt discontinuation of caffeine can automatically trigger migraines.

Based on the basics in life, you should make sure to drink a certain amount of water regularly if you suffer from migraines frequently. In fact, water is essential for all body systems, especially as dehydration is one of the most common causes of migraines.

The site pointed out that the required hydration can be obtained by drinking herbal tea or skim milk, while it is preferable to stay away from fruit and sugary drinks rich in sugars. Sometimes, consuming food additives and other industrial ingredients in these drinks can trigger migraines.

The site advised the need to avoid foods that contain nitrates that are found in processed meat, and monosodium glutamate, which is used in many spices and condiments mixes, as these additions stimulate migraines.

Many people who suffer from headaches keep a diary of the foods they eat and the things they did before the headaches appeared so that they could avoid triggering the same headache stimuli in the future.

The site advised to speak to the doctor about whether there are medications that can also help reduce pain enough to help you get the proper nutrients and water during the occurrence of migraines.