New Middle-Party in Korea Launches Political Realignment to General Elections in April 20:14 on February 23

Political realignment is underway for the general election, which will be voted in April in Korea. On March 23, a new middle-ranking party was formed, following the conservative largest opposition parties and others launched a new party to counter the innovative minority party.

The quarterly general election to elect a Korean parliamentary member is regarded as the "middle evaluation" of the Moon Jae-in administration, which has returned to its five-year term, and was voted on April 15. You.

On the 23rd, the 50 days before the election, an entrepreneur from the IT industry, Anne Chulse (Ahn Tetsuhide), who ran for the last presidential election and gained some support, played a central role. Launched the "National Party".

At the convention held in Seoul, Mr. Ann, who was appointed representative, greeted, saying that `` Korea is now collapsed by old-fashioned politics by two vested political parties '' and becoming the third pole He emphasized the idea of ​​uniting forces.

In preparation for this general election, the largest conservative opposition party will launch the "Future Integration Party" on 17th this month to absorb two minor political parties in order to compete with the innovative minority party "Democratic Party". I'm just

In the general election, the realignment of political circles is proceeding at a rapid pace in order to develop an election campaign in part because of the preparatory battle against the presidential election two years later.

Current ruling and opposition seats

The Korean parliament is unicameral, with a fixed number of 300.

According to the website of the Korean Parliament, the Democratic Party of both parties, which supports the Moon Jae-in administration, is a minority party with less than a majority with 129 seats.

On the other hand, the opposition side saw the conservative largest opposition party absorb two small parties on the 17th, setting up a new “Future Integration Party” to have 114 seats, a difference of 15 seats from “both Democrats”. became.

Party approval rating

According to the latest opinion poll released by the South Korean opinion polling organization "Korean Gallup" on the 21st, 36% of the party's approval rating is "the Democratic Party" and the largest conservative opposition party is the innovative ruling party supporting the Moon Jaein administration. "Future Integration Party" was 23%.

On the other hand, the non-partisan population has risen to 27%, and that trend is expected to significantly influence the election results.

For this reason, the ruling and opposition parties are both seeking candidates with a view to attracting independence groups, and a new middle-ranking party called the People's Party, which was launched on the 23rd, is aiming to increase support from the independence groups.