The windows in the pair of Miselli's living rooms reach from floor to ceiling and behind them the sea opens. The large windows blur the boundary between the outside and the inside, but never before have the waves reached so literally to the house knot.

- The water is getting closer, but we certainly do not regret that we built and live here, says Sassa Miselli.

"Something has to be done"

Sassa Miselli has lived in Smygehamn for generations and in recent years she has been forced to see the sea approaching. When the storm was at its worst, the waves crashed over the small land strip that separated them from the sea and made their way under the house.

- We are badly off and something has to be done for the Smygehamn community, says husband Lars Miselli.

On the stones outside the house is a stranded jetty worn away from a building nearby. As the sea is now approaching the house, the couple is worried that a powerful wave will throw the worn-out jetty towards their house.

They are both assured that something needs to be done to protect the exposed south coast.

- The sea takes and the sea gives, but it takes most here anyway, that thing is certain, says Lars Miselli.