• Mobilizations Public education calls a strike against the decree of the Board that gives 'oxygen' to the concerted
  • Decree.The Board will take into account the demand to renew educational concerts

First was the decree of educational reordering that gives oxygen to the concerted one - it will allow all families to apply for a place in a concerted center, provided there is one in their locality - and, now, to unify the two stages of teaching in a single center Basic , Primary and Secondary. The Andalusian Minister of Education and Sports, Javier Imbroda, unveiled yesterday another of the measures that the Andalusian Board wants to implement in its particular educational reform.

And he did it the same day that the minister, Isabel Celaá, made public the master lines of the new educational law, the Lomloe, that the PSOE government and United We will be promoting and that they are not going, precisely, in the same direction as those of the Andalusian plan.

Imbroda, who faces his first strike in the coming weeks precisely because of his educational reorganization , spoke yesterday in the Andalusian Parliament of the intention of his department to implement, in an experimental way at first, the unification of primary education and Secondary in a single educational center. It is, he said, a response to an "obvious social demand ."

According to the Minister of Education and Sports, there are many parents who consider it convenient for their children to study without interruption, with continuity and without going from school to high school with just 12 years. A possibility that, he said, is also contemplated in the basic regulations of the community, with which there would legally be no obstacles to develop this initiative.

However, it is not about changing the current configuration of the centers in a general way, but in specific cases and in certain circumstances. To be more exact, Imbroda listed three possible scenarios in which the two phases would be unified.

The first is centers of vulnerable areas both socioculturally and demographically, especially in rural areas. The integration would allow, in the opinion of the counselor, to respond to the training and accompaniment needs of students in these environments. The second, the centers that lose units in Infant and Primary Education and in which, therefore, there is plenty of space, and the third, the Primary centers that physically collide with a Secondary school and that could share educational project and join their Cloisters without major problems.

It is not yet decided how, or when or how many and the decision in this regard, the counselor insisted, will be taken by consensus and with the support of teachers, students, parents and management teams.

Those centers where integration is decided will not be, Imbroda added in the Andalusian Chamber, the product of "no experiment or an occurrence." On the contrary, he insisted, it will be the "result of a process of reflection and analysis," which requires in-depth study. As an endorsement, Education highlighted that this model already works successfully in other communities.

Imbroda's first strike

Meanwhile, the coalition government of the PP and Citizens faces what will be their first strike in education, precisely with the decree of schooling as justification. The Andalusian Platform for the Public School, constituted by the trade union organizations CCOO, CGT, UGT and Ustea, the Confederation of Associations of fathers and mothers Codapa, and the FdE Student Front, called a strike on March 4. The objective is to make it clear that the measure is «an attack on the waterline of the Andalusian public school», and delve into «the political line of liberalization and privatization of public services by the Andalusian Government».

In that battle, they have the support of the PSOE, whose deputy spokesman, Manuel Jiménez Barrios, encouraged yesterday to "withdraw the decree" of schooling that "has outraged the entire educational community" and with which, in his opinion, the parties that make up the regional Executive want to "impose the ideological code of the Spanish right."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PSOE
  • United We Can
  • PP
  • Javier Imbroda
  • Isabel Celaá
  • Citizens
  • Education
  • society
  • Andalusia

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Education Public education calls a strike against the decree of the Board that gives 'oxygen' to the concerted